Phil Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> I get a lot of my information from ERC/bitlbee so wrote this patch to
> allow for linking against the log associated with an ERC session.

It's interesting that you're linking to the log file.  I hadn't thought
of doing that before, but I like the idea.  Planner's ERC integration
causes a new conversation to that person to be launched when clicking on
its generated link.  I could see merits in each approach.

       Michael Olson -- FSF Associate Member #652     | -- Jabber:  |  /` |\ | | |
          Programmer -- Hobbies: Lisp, HCoop          | |_] | \| |_|
Projects: Emacs, Muse, ERC, EMMS, ErBot, DVC, Planner |

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