Raimund Kohl-Füchsle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What would help greatly would be a way to manage fields the same way
> as with TODO items: A key-string would place a "NO" "RUNNING"
> "ANSWERED" button right there ... same way as with TODO-items.

I think what you need is colum view for properties, rather than tables.

Each property is like a field, and you switch between values easily.
You can select the property you want to display in the column view.
Each headline will be displayed as a table row in column view.
And finally, you can capture this column view with C-c C-x r.

See details in the manual:

  (info "(org)Column view")
  (info "(org)Capturing Column View)

I think it's worth giving it a try.  Tables have their own ways of
handling cells and "buttons" would be confusing IMO.


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