Hi Georg,

"Georg C. F. Greve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I would like to do this in a way that it only temporarily modifies the
> org-remember-templates, but at the moment, this function does that
> permanently.

See my comment below.

> (defun org-mairix-sent-message-remember ()
>   "Function to be called by org-mairix-message-send-and-exit-with-link
> via hook to store a link to a sent message by calling remember.
> It works by first inserting the 'org-mairix' link provided by
> org-mairix-message-send-and-exit-with-link for '%a' in the
> org-mairix-message-sent-remember-template string and then
> iterating through the org-remember-templates, replacing all the
> standard items by the org-mairix-message-sent-remember-template
> before calling org-remember."
>   (let* ((templates) (templ)
>        (org-remember-templates org-remember-templates)

Why do you need to copy the global value of `org-remember-templates'?
Can't you just define it *locally*?

(let* ((org-remember-templates 
         '((?w org-mairix-message-sent-remember-template 
               nil ; no file name
               "WAITING" ; the headline))))

This shouldn't modify the global set of templates.


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