On Sun, 14 Oct 2007 08:14:10 +0200
Carsten Dominik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

 >> is it possible to call org-remember to insert a previously stored
 >> link?

 cd> The remember buffer is in org-mode, you can just call C-c C-l to
 cd> insert any previously stored link...

True. Although that means I would need to delete the link that is
inserted by the template, and then insert the one I want. I'd prefer
this to happen with fewer keystrokes. If I could call org-mode with a
customized template to insert the stored link without being prompted for
the other templates, that would be great.

Ideally for what I have in mind the templates would not be defined per
file. That dependency really is not useful in my case.

Allow me to explain.

I insert three different kinds of items into my org files:

 * NEXT  actions for things that should be done

 * QUEUE items for things that should be done in the future, but depend
         on completion of another NEXT action to become NEXT actions.

 * WAITING items where I wait for input / response from others.

Much of this is linking to emails, of course. So the normal insertion is
a NEXT action with link to an email, or a thread of emails. But
sometimes they will be QUEUE items.

For some mails I send, I want to insert WAITING items.

So I would like to be able to define three templates: "NEXT" "QUEUE"
"WAITING" that could be inserted into either file, for which I would
like to be prompted.

So org-remember-templates would ideally be a list of templates only,
identified by template names, and a second variable org-remember-files
would specify the files with their prompts and their default template,
as well as the default place (heading) to store the item.

Then it would be possible to call org-remember without arguments with
the same behaviour as today, but it would be possible to specify
different templates as arguments, overriding the default to make sure
that when it gets called from special places or in a special way, it
does not have to use the default template only.

In combination with something that inserts the last stored link into the
template automatically, I could then have the fastest way of turning
outgoing mail into WAITING items in the correct file.

See http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/org-mairix.el function


that sends a message and stores a org-mairix link in the process.


Georg C. F. Greve                                 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Free Software Foundation Europe                  (http://fsfeurope.org)
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