On Wed, Nov 07, 2007 at 05:15:55PM +0100, Carsten Dominik wrote:
> Thanks for an interesting discussion about the merits of properties
> versus tags etc.  Very illuminating.
> However, I do think that Adam's initial request to make the
> category available as a special property for queries in not
> unreasonble.  Or does anyone disagree?
> I am not sure, though, if the #+CATEGORY category should be
> available with `org-entry-get', because it would then be very
> hard for the property API to make a difference between a value
> that is intimately associated with the current entry, and a
> value that might be derived by some other mechanism.


> So here I differ somewhat from Adam's feeling that category is just
> like TODO or a tag.  It is different.

Actually I agree with that :-)  I just meant to point out some of the
similarities in what they enable you to do.

> But for the search interface, to allow CATEGORY="work", I think
> that would be a safe thing to do.  Will be in 5.14, unless I hear
> good arguments against this.

Fantastic!  Thanks a lot.

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