On  1Nov2007, at 11:22 AM, Thomas Baumann wrote:

Hi Carsten and others who might help,

I thought this had been solved in between but somehow

| 26.10.2007 | Cost | 68 | 0.30 | 110.40 |
|            | Sum  |    |      | 110.40 |
#+TBLFM: $5=$3*$4;%.2f::@2$5=vsum(@[EMAIL PROTECTED]);%.2f

won't work (I almost sent an incorrect invoice ...) whereas

|       Test | tt   | tt |      |       |
| 26.10.2007 | Cost | 68 | 0.30 | 20.40 |
|            | Sum  |    |      | 20.40 |
#+TBLFM: $5=$3*$4;%.2f::@3$5=vsum(@[EMAIL PROTECTED]);%.2f

works fine.

Orgmode is 5.13h

This is not a bug, it is intended to work like this. A hline before the table
is considered a table border line, not a separator line.  I do not want
table formulas depend on the habit of a user to have or have not the table
start with a hline.  I will make the clearer in the docs.

- Carsten

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