On  31Oct2007, at 3:10 AM, Bastien wrote:

Hi Carsten,

there seem to be quite a few problems with drawers export (Org 5.13h)

Here is a test file:

====================================================================== ==
#+TITLE:     Test drawers export

This is not a drawer.

This text is hidden.
====================================================================== ==

Setting `org-export-with-drawers' nil/t seems to have no effect on the
export.  The lines starting with a column are always export as <pre>.

Then I tried setting (setq org-export-with-drawers '("HIDE")) so that
:HIDE: drawer's content would be exported.. but it removed the :HIDE:
drawer instead.

BTW, the d:(HIDE) seems not to be taken into account right now.  Did I
miss something?  Can you reproduce these problems?

Fixed for 5.14, thanks.

- Carsten

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