Stefan Kamphausen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> 3. The third idea is to let a web interface directly operate changes on
>>    underlying Org files. I think this is achievable: Org files are text,
>>    but with a reasonable set of conventions to format them we could edit
>>    them through another tool.  
> in my mind lives another idea which is close to your #3: use a wiki as
> a backend (currently I'm thinking about oddmuse).
> - Write an extension to oddmuse which displays org-syntax as HTML.
>   Has to be written in Perl, probably could reuse lots of regexps from
>   org.el. A really fancy extension would render checkboxes and the
>   like, but I don't know whether this is achievable.
> - Instead of find-file and save-buffer one could use oddmuse-edit and
>   oddmuse-post from [1].
> - Setup auto-mode-alist to set org-mode when opening such a wikipage,
>   or put a -*-modeline into the wikipages

I've not been using the OddMuse wiki engine for a long time now, and I
don't know how difficult such a backend would be to write, but I think
this is an *excellent* idea.

> I'll try to find some time during the next weeks to start with the
> oddmuse-extension, but I can't see when that will happen.  It has to
> fill the time-slots when they come up ;-)

Good luck!  :)


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