Hi all,

i'd like to have your opinion on this.

I tend to use my `org-agenda-custom-commands' in a strict order.  
I first check for a first view, then check for a second view, etc.  
It would be nice to be able to use `1' for the first view -- but
it's currently used to restrict the agenda view to the buffer.

My suggestion for a possible replacement for the `1' and `0' keys 
would be this:

 `<' : restrict to the buffer
`<<' : restrict to the region or subtree

Note: `<' could also be `@' since `C-c @' means select the current

I think it's okay to have some kind of "incremental" restriction,
but I'm not sure about this.  And I'd definitely like to have the
[0-9] keys for my own agenda views :)

Did anyone ever meet the same need?


PS: I think today will be the craziest day in term of list traffic!


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