Richard G Riley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> *title                :tag: ....

I think this is not a good idea.  It would breack the logical meaning of
"..." and the way it's used outside of Org.

> But, on that subject is it possible to see inherited tags (maybe in a
> different face?)?.

Use the column view:

| * Links                                    :Read:
|   :COLUMNS:     %30ITEM %10TAGS %20ALLTAGS
|   :END:
| ** Types of links                         :Write:

Try to C-c C-x C-c on the second headline.

It will display the headlines as a row consisting in the headline's
title, the list of tags, and the list of inherited tags.

The ALLTAGS field is "read-only": while trying to edit it with `e' Org
bites: "The ALLTAGS property can not yet be set with `org-entry-put'"

> :ALLTAGS: True
> :END:

You can define the #+COLUMNS: so that the default column view for a
particular file always show inherited tags.



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