Hi Bastien

Thanks for looking into this.

On 10/3/07, Bastien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "William Henney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > If I call org-insert-link with the region active, then the region
> > content is instantly deleted while I am prompted for the link. This is
> > rather disconcerting, but for most link types the region content
> > magically reappears as the default value of the description.
> Yes, maybe the region shouldn't be deleted before the link is actually
> inserted.
> > However, for "file:" links the default value of the description
> > becomes the link itself, and the previous content of the region is
> > lost (as far as I can see). Is this intended?
> For me, the default value for the description is *always* the active
> region, this one being a simple string or a file link. So I expect the
> default value of the description itself being "the link itself", since
> it equals the active region...  or did I miss something?

Yes, I think you are... I wasn't saying that the active region was of
the form "file:something", but rather that the link target was of that
form. What happens for me is the following (when I do org-insert-link
with the region active)

1. The region is deleted in the org buffer

2. I am shown the "Link:" prompt in the mini-buffer

3. I type in the link (or use arrows or return to grab a stored link)

4. I am shown the "Description:" prompt in the mini-buffer

5a. If the link I entered in step 3 was something like
"http://foo.org";, then all is well - the deleted region from step 1
appears as the default description.

5b. However, if the link I inserted in step 3 was something like
"file:/etc/whatever", then I no longer get the deleted region as the
default description. Instead, I just get "file:/etc/whatever"

I hope this is clearer. I thought perhaps the problem was with my
personal set-up, so I tried it with "emacs -Q -q -l minimal-org.el",
where the file minimal-org.el is given below. I still see the problem
(that is, behaviour 5b instead of 5a) whenever the link is of the form

I have also found another apparent bug. When I do C-u C-c C-l, then
(as described in the docs) I get prompted for a filename with path
completion. However, this time the default description is blank
(whether or not the region was active).



;;;--------------------- minimal-org.el ----------------------------
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/emacs/lisp/org"))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.org$" . org-mode))
(define-key global-map "\C-cl" 'org-store-link)
(require 'org-install)
;;;--------------------- minimal-org.el ----------------------------


  Dr William Henney, Centro de Radioastronomía y Astrofísica,
  Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Campus Morelia

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