Hi Xavier,

At Sun, 16 Sep 2007 03:00:10 +0200,
Xavier Maillard wrote:
> So let's say I have this organization:
> * Project 1
> ** TODO Ask foo about bar
> * Project 2
> ** TODO Write customer report
> * Project 3
> How can I move the TODO from "Project 1" to "Project 3" directly
> -i.e. move by "name"

I'm catching up on reading my mailing lists, therefore you may have
already found a different way to do it, but just in case below is what
I wrote for myself for same functionality that you asked for.


;;; Below code provides a function M-x org-quicky-refile which cuts a
;;; heading, then scans the file for the names of top level headings,
;;; and asks for the heading name to paste the item into (with
;;; standard Emacs completion)
;;; Simply bind org-quicky-refile to a key in org-mode-map.
;;; Bugs: leaves empty line sometimes, but this is a bug in
;;  org-paste-subtree IMHO.
;;; Possible improvements: only collect headings with specific tags
;;; as targets, so that one can tag 3rd/4th level headings as target

(defun org-quicky-get-heading (&optional no-props)
  (if (looking-at "^\\*+[ \t]+\\([^\r\n]*?\\)[ \t]*\\(:[a-zA-Z0-9:[EMAIL 
PROTECTED])?[ \t]*[\r\n]")     
      (if no-props (org-match-string-no-properties 1) 
        (match-string 1)) ""))

(defun org-quicky-get-toplevel-headings ()
  "Return a list of top level headings"
  (let (headings) 
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (not (eobp))
        (when (and (looking-at outline-regexp)
                   (= (org-outline-level) 1))
          (push (cons (org-quicky-get-heading t) (point-marker)) headings))
    (nreverse headings)))

(defmacro when* (expr &rest body)
  `(let ((it ,expr))
     (when it

(defvar org-quicky-refile-history nil)

(defun org-quicky-refile (&optional arg)
  (let* ((headings (org-quicky-get-toplevel-headings))
         (completion-ignore-case t)
    (when* (completing-read 
            "Project: " (mapcar #'car headings)
            nil t nil 'org-quicky-refile-history)
           (setq pos (cdr (assoc it headings)))
             (goto-char pos)
             (setq pos (or (save-excursion 
             (goto-char pos)
             (org-paste-subtree 2)))))

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