Bastien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>> For me it seems much easier to always modify events from Org and then
>>> keep some web interface updated, than to try to achieve real syncing...
>> This won't work if you have someone also adding events for you, for
>> example your secretary.
> Com'on, I'm sure your secretary knows everything about Emacs+Org. 
> A good opportunity to do some collaborative Org'ing!

A sync would be much better, if possible.

This will be a *really* cool thing to have in org, I think we can all
agree on it. :D

You can sync your PDA's WM5/6 calendar using OggSync with google's
calendar so that means, you can have org-mode sync'ed with your PDA's
calendar. ;;)

P.S. There is also that has TODOs (which I guess the
calendar doesn't).


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