
org-mode 5.10 is available at http://org-mode.org


- Carsten

Changes in Version 5.10

* Overview

  - Category and the archive location can be properties.
  - The clocktable has a new `:scope' parameter.
  - CSV support when importing a table.
  - Better defaults when modifying a time stamp.
  - New way to specify the duration of an appointment.
  - More aggressive version of orgstruct-mode improved wrapping.
  - Modifications to priority cycling.
  - Modifications to computations in column view.
  - New command `org-occur-in-agenda-files'.
  - Bug fixes.

* Details

  - Both the category and the archive location in a (sub)tree of
    the buffer can now be specified using a property, for

     * Tree with special properties
         :CATEGORY: Examples
         :ARCHIVE:  /some/special/file::

    This is a much cleaner way of dealing with multiple
    categories and archives in a single file.  The preferred use
    of the #+CATEGORY and #+ARCHIVE lines is now to set a
    *single* default for the file which is then locally
    overruled by properties.  This was a proposal from Bastien
    if I remember correctly.  Multiple `#+' lines still work
    and I don't plan to remove this support soon, but I
    encourage you to stop using them.

  - The clocktable has a new `:scope' parameter that determines
    the range in the file from which clock entries should be
    taken.  This can be anything from the local subtree to the
    entire buffer to even the full list of agenda files.  Legal
    values are:

      value     scope
      nil       the current buffer or narrowed region
      file      the full current buffer
      subtree   the subtree where the clocktable is located
      treeN     the surrounding level N tree, for example tree3
      tree      the surrounding level 1 tree
      agenda    all agenda files

    Thanks to Jason F. McBrayer and Bernt Hansen for
    inspiration.  Thanks to cranreuch (what is you full name?)
    for mentioning, at the right moment, that the clocktable is
    not so bad - that remark made it seem worthwhile to add

  - The commands to import a table and to convert a region to a
    table can now handle comma-separated values (CSV).  The
    algorithm does not yet treat quoting correctly, but for
    basic input it works.

  - When modifying an existing time stamp, or when entering the
    second stamp of a range, the date prompt will now
    consistently default to the date/time in the existing stamp.
    This was triggered by Nuutti Kotivuori's request.

  - At the date/time prompt, there is a new way to specify a
    range of hours, by using "+DURATION" after the time.  For

      14:00+2  means 14:00-16:00
      2pm+2:30 means 14:00-16:30

    Again, Nuutti Kotivuori's request.

  - When you use the function `turn-on-orgstruct++' to turn on
    orgstruct-mode, the special org-mode settings for
    auto-filling, indentation and paragraphs are exported into
    the buffer, so that typing list items with indentation works
    better.  This was Bastien's idea and request.

  - New variable `org-priority-start-cycle-with-default'.  When
    t (the default), priority cycling will initially set the
    default priority and then increase or decrease.  When nil,
    the first priority set by cycling is already 1 different
    from the default priority.  This was mostly driven by

  - In column view: When an entry has a property for a summary
    column defined, its value is normally overwritten by the sum
    of all the children's values each time you enter column
    view.  Now there is an exception to this rule: If none of
    the children has that particular property defined, the
    parent's value stays.  In this way you can still place TODO
    items under such an entry without getting the property value
    changed.  Thanks to Russel Adams for pointing out that this
    is a better way of doing things.

  - In column view, computed values are now bold face, and
    trying to edit them is an error.  I think this works, but
    testing is appreciated.

  - New command `org-occur-in-agenda-files', this is basically
    the quick command John Wiegley proposed the other day, but
    it also works when the agenda files are not yet in buffers.
    The key is `C-c C-x /', any better proposals?

  - Links containing a space will now be handled correctly when
    calling the browser.  Note that you need to enclose such
    links in square or angular brackets.

  - Bug fixes.

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