Hi all,

since it appears that quite some people are using Org mode to do their
GTD organising, and email obviouisly plays an important role in that,
I've taken a little bit of time to clean up the integration of Mairix
with Org.

At the moment it only has support for Gnus as MUA, but it should be
fairly simple to also support other MUAs, the code supports it. I've
also made sure the file has the appropriate legal notices and such, so
it may eventually be elegible for integration into Org mode.

The weakest point right now is the selection of the Gnus group upon
matching, as I am still looking for a way to do this in Gnus that will
not generate zombies.

But overall I'm quite happy now: By default, this will pull an entire
thread into the search group and automatically select the mail that was
linked to.

Please test, help debug and extend. I don't have the time to maintain
this actively, but would be happy if people found it useful.


Attachment: org-mairix.el
Description: application/emacs-lisp

Georg C. F. Greve                                 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Description: PGP signature

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