Ian Barton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have an E61 (Symbian). I have given up any sort of automatic syncing.
> However, I have a cron job that publishes my org files to html on my
> local web server, so I can easily refer to it.
> For longer trips away, I take my laptop and/or email my org file to my
> phone. If I don't have access to a computer I find it easier to just
> treat the org file as a reference and not try and edit it.
> The third method I quite often use is to ssh into my server and edit
> using emacs in a terminal. I usually carry a USB stick with things like
> Putty, so if I can borrow someone else's computer I can still edit the
> file on my server.
> Does anyone know if it's possible to install emacs on a usb stick in a
> way that it's possible to just plug into almost any Windows computer and
> run  it?

What I was thinking was to somehow email a file from the PDA (I don't
have it yet so dunno what format it can export) and chopt it and append
to an org file. And from org to pda, maybe write a file like that and
email it back to the pda.

Does this sound doable ? Or am I not seeing something !?


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