On 18/09/2007, Daniel M German <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Jason> Cezar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  >> I would like to know if there are any PDA or Smartphone devices to
>  >> use with org-mode, and be able to sync between them with ease.
>  Jason> Not entirely serious:  has anyone ported emacs to the N800 or OpenMoko
>  Jason> yet?
> I have a N800 and I haven't found a port yet, so I would need to try
> to build it myself. My goal is to get emacs-nox running on the N800,
> and then run it from an Xterm. Unfortunately the lack of a keyboard
> will make it difficult to use.
> On the other hand I can already use rsync or SVN to synchronize the
> files with n800. So for people who are willing to work with a regular
> text editor this is not a too-bad-approach.
> --dmg

I have an N800 too, but to be honest, even with a BT keyboard, emacsen
would be pushing it. At the moment, for me at least, PDA's, phones etc
are good for reading and reviewing of tasks/actions or whatever and as
an 'inbox' for text/voice remember notes. At least if you want to use
org-mode as your canonical repository of tasks.

To get a PDA to interact/sync properly with Org mode, you'd need
native tools that understand org mode files and could update the PDA's
native TODO/Calandar/Contact/whatever information via its own API's.

In the book Getting Things Done, David Allen says that it is not the
tool you use, as much as it is how easy it is for you to be able to
use it to GTD. PDA's, even running emacs, would are too cumbersome to
be effective at Org GTDing without *org specific* tools IMHO.


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