me again...
with a small question: using %^{ASK_SOMETHING} works nice,
but is there a chance to give different options for answers
too? Maybe something like %^{What Color{blue|red|yellow}}
and display the choices in a small buffer!?


Fabian Braennstroem schrieb am 01/01/2002 02:12 AM:
> Hi Carsten,
> Carsten Dominik schrieb am 09/03/2007 07:26 AM:
>> You can do all this with remember templates, they allow interactive
>> prompts, and you can specify a file and a topic where to insert the
>> new entry.
> Too easy :-) Thanks, just great!
> Fabian
>> On Sep 2, 2007, at 19:10, Fabian Braennstroem wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am not sure, if it is the right group, but the org-related
>>> should fit well :-)
>>> I would like to use org-mode to handle my simulation
>>> activities from dired.
>>> The scenario would be like this:
>>> Pressing some kind of keybinding in dired 'emacs' asks for
>>> certain settings of the simulation, e.g. Topic, Solver and a
>>> short description. Using this information a new level 2
>>> entry is done in 'object.org', which already looks like:
>>> ;-- 'object.org':
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>> ------------
>>> * Topic 1
>>> ** <Date1> Solver <Short Description1>
>>> *** <entry 1>
>>>     blabla
>>> **** <entry 2>
>>>     blabla
>>> *** <entry 3>
>>>     blabla
>>>     blabla
>>> ** <Date2> Solver <Short Description2>
>>> *** <entry 1>
>>>     blabla
>>> **** <entry 2>
>>>     blabla
>>> *** <entry 3>
>>>     blabla
>>>     blabla
>>> * Topic 2
>>> ** <Date1> Solver <Short Description1>
>>> *** <entry 1>
>>>     blabla
>>> **** <entry 2>
>>>     blabla
>>> *** <entry 3>
>>>     blabla
>>>     blabla
>>> ** <Date2> Solver <Short Description2>
>>> *** <entry 1>
>>>     blabla
>>> **** <entry 2>
>>>     blabla
>>> *** <entry 3>
>>>     blabla
>>>     blabla
>>> ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>> -------------
>>> Now depending on the answer for 'topic' and 'solver' I would
>>> like to create a new second level entry automatically with
>>> the additional 'template_structure'. The biggest problem
>>> would be to insert the entry in the right place, i.e.
>>> simulations with topic 1 should be appended to the topic 1
>>> tree.  Inserting the 'template_structure' I was thinking
>>> about some kind of 'texletter.el' approach, which looks
>>> fairly easy to do...
>>> The entrystructure is saved in a template file
>>> 'template_structure' and woul look like:
>>> ;-'template_structure':
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>> -----------
>>> *** <entry 1>
>>>     blabla
>>> **** <entry 2>
>>>     blabla
>>> *** <entry 3>
>>>     blabla
>>>     blabla
>>> ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>> -------------
>>> It would be nice, if someone has an idea, how to do that;
>>> especially with appending it in the right place!?
>>> Regards!
>>> Fabian
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>> --
>> Carsten Dominik
>> Sterrenkundig Instituut "Anton Pannekoek"
>> Universiteit van Amsterdam
>> Kruislaan 403
>> NL-1098SJ Amsterdam
>> phone: +31 20 525 7477

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