Hi Brian,
On Sep 3, 2007, at 19:43, Brian van den Broek wrote:
Well, that's what I am doing. I've a teaching.org where each course
for the coming year is a level 1 headline. When the year is over, I
want to archive each course level 1 headline as a level 2 subtree of a
level 1 headline in my teachingarchive.org. The thought is that as I
teach say Intro to Logic over the years, each iteration of the course
when active will be in my teaching.org. When the term is done, each
will course tree will get archived under a Intro to Logic level 1
heading in my archive file. So, the end result in the archive would
* Intro to Logic
** Intro to Logic Fall20072008
** Intro to Logic Fall20082009
* Intro to Philosophy
** Intro to Philosophy 20072008
** Intro to Philosophy 20082009
The only way I can see to do it with #+ARCHIVE lines would be to have
my teaching.org look like
* Heading setting ARCHIVE line for following tree
* Intro to Logic Fall20072008
* Heading setting ARCHIVE line for following tree
* Intro to Philosophy 20072008
That makes for ugly clutter, IMHO. (The problem is acute in my
intended case, as each level 1 heading needs its own ARCHIVE line.)
I would say that this only requires a litte creative restructuring,
and to give up the idea that in teaching.org, courses must be level 1.
In teaching.org:
* Intro to Logic
#+ARCHIVE: archive settings for logic
** Fall200072008
* Intro to Philosophy
#+ARCHIVE: settings for philosophy
** FALL20072008
- Carsten
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