
If I set dates for Birthdays in my .org file like the following:

**** Birthdays
***** TODO Jack 1979
SCHEDULED: <%%(diary-anniversary 5 3 1979)>

I will get the following error message when I use C-c a to open an
Agenda view...

Bad sexp at line 24 in /Users/Swangdoodles/Agenda.org:
(diary-anniversary 5 3 1979)

The Agenda still opens and works fine, but if I've got a whole list of
Birthdays, then it takes a while before it loads... because it
displays an error-message for every Birthday in the org-file...

And if I write it like this:

**** Birthdays
***** TODO Jack 1979
SCHEDULED: <%%(diary-anniversary 5 3 1979 Jack)>

Then the agenda view does not open, but it keeps looping all the
errors over and over again...

Should I Schedule Birthdays in a different way than I have done (see
the two above examples)??


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