Bastien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Maybe we could use something like `org-custom-link-types' to do the
> trick: its need to know about new link-types, major modes where they
> come into play and what function `org-open-at-point' calls for them.
> For example :
> (setq org-custom-link-types 
>       '(("mairix" (gnus-summary-mode gnus-article-mode) 
>        'org-make-mairix-link 'org-follow-mairix-link)))
> It will make Org knowing about a new "mairix" link type. When you're in
> `gnus-summary-mode' or `gnus-article-mode' this type is used instead of
> the default `gnus' type. `org-make-mairix-link' is used to build the
> link, and `org-follow-mairix-link' is used to open link at point.  
> Am not completely sure on how this could be achieved in details, but I
> believe it's a better approach to the integration of tools like mairix,
> tracker and the like.
> What do you think?

I think it's a very good idea.  And we don't even need to
restrict ourselves within index and search tools.  It could
be just an extension to `org-open-at-point'.  When the link
type is not one of the built-ins, the function uses a user
customizable `alist' of link type keywords and corresponding
user supplied functions.

However, some kind of community contributed code base must
be set up so that people like me who don't know much about
elisp can grab some code which works out of box.  And it
would be also much easier to track api changes in the main
org code.  Let's see what Carsten has to say about this,
when he comes back.


> -- 
> Bastien
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