Thanks for this suggestion.  I don't use emacs for mail, I've never
used bbdb, and I'm already quite familiar with org-mode.  Seeing as
bbdb lacks the same functionality that I need for org (namely, the
vCard importer) I don't see a big benefit (for me) in going to bbdb.

That said, it would be helpful to see a screenshot of browsing an
address book with bbdb.  Can something like org's column view be
achieved?  Assuming you're already familiar with bbdb, have it
installed, etc., would it be difficult to send me or post an image
with some mocked up contacts?  I didn't see anything like this on
the project page.


On 07/11/2007 12:42 PM, Jason F. McBrayer wrote:
> "Daniel J. Sinder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> PROPERTIES and column view are fantastic!  Thanks Carsten.
>> I already have visions of moving my address book into org.  I've set
>> my sights on finally learning Elisp by writing a vCard-to-org
>> function (and the reverse).
>> How well does generating column view scale for hundreds of headlines?
> You'd be better off moving your address book into bbdb (no need to
> abuse org for the purpose when there's already a perfectly good emacs
> tool for the purpose).  We really need a good vCard-to-bbdb (and the
> reverse) converter, though.

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