OK, I am giving up on emphasis.  This is really too hard for
my little brain.  Basically, I don't know how to make this
work for all the requests I have gotten in the past,

- allowing stacked fontification, like bold and italic
- allowing characters that are emphasis markers inside
  an emphasis, like */usr/lib*
- allowing white space and newlines in the emphasis
  like *this is all bold*,

I guess one could write a complex function to do the matching,
but with a regular expression - like I am doing it now, I
don't think I can make it work.

Here is the deal:  If I get at least 5 tutorials full of
screenshots by the end of the summer, I will give it
yet another shot :-)
Until then, we have to live with this issue.

- Carsten

P.S.:  Of course: thank you for reporting the issue.  Its just
too hard to fix.

On Jul 11, 2007, at 0:45, Daniel J. Sinder wrote:

I think there is a bug in setting faces for *bold* in headlines.
I've tested this in 5.01 and 5.02

* Bold in a headline *does work* at the top level
** But *does not work* at the second level
*** It also *does not work* at the third level
**** But *does work* again on all lower levels

This is only broken for in-buffer emacs faces.  Bold in HTML export
works for all headline levels.


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Carsten Dominik
Sterrenkundig Instituut "Anton Pannekoek"
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Kruislaan 403
NL-1098SJ Amsterdam
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