Op do, 21-06-2007 te 10:32 +0200, schreef Cecil Westerhof:
> I have the following tables:
> |-------------------|
> |             22.50 |
> |             16.50 |
> |-------------------|
> | :=vsum(@[EMAIL PROTECTED]) |
> |-------------------|
> #+TBLFM: @3$1=vsum(@[EMAIL PROTECTED])
> |------------------------|
> |                  22.50 |
> |                  16.50 |
> |------------------------|
> | :=vsum(@[EMAIL PROTECTED]);%.2f |
> |------------------------|
> #+TBLFM: @3$1=vsum(@[EMAIL PROTECTED]);%.2f
> With the first I get '39.' when I let the table be evaluated.
> But I want 39.00. That is why I created the second table. But here I get
> on evaluation: 'Args out of range: 15,16'.
> I have the feeling that it could have something to do with the upgrade
> to 4.78, but I am not sure. (Before I was using 4.71.)

There is definitly something broken between 4.71 and 4.78. In a table I
        :=vsum(@[EMAIL PROTECTED]);%.2f
This worked without a problem. Now I get:
        Args out of rang: 14, 15
Also here when I remove the ';%.2f', it works. (But is not displayed the
way I want.)

Cecil Westerhof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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