This is a bug discussed a few days ago, will be fixed
in the next version.

- Carsten

On May 30, 2007, at 20:55, Wes Nakamura wrote:

When I attempt to use the new #+PRIORITIES: feature from 4.75 in XEmacs
21.5, I get the following trace when opening the file.  It doesn't
matter if I'm using letters or numbers as priorities, or whether
variables such as org-lowest-priority are set.

Any pointers? I'm particurly interested in using numbers as priorities.


(1) (file-mode-spec/warning) Error in File mode specification: Wrong type argument: arrayp, ?A

Backtrace follows:

  aref(?A 0)
  (org-set-local (quote org-highest-priority) (aref (nth 0 prio) 0))
(progn (if (< (length prio) 3) (setq prio (quote ("A" "C" "B")))) (setq prio (mapcar (quote string-to-char) prio)) (org-set-local (quote org-highest-priority) (aref (nth 0 prio) 0)) (org-set-local (quote org-lowest-priority) (aref (nth 1 prio) 0)) (org-set-local (quote org-default-priority) (aref (nth 2 prio) 0))) (if prio (progn (if (< (length prio) 3) (setq prio (quote ("A" "C" "B")))) (setq prio (mapcar (quote string-to-char) prio)) (org-set-local (quote org-highest-priority) (aref (nth 0 prio) 0)) (org-set-local (quote org-lowest-priority) (aref (nth 1 prio) 0)) (org-set-local (quote org-default-priority) (aref (nth 2 prio) 0)))) (when prio (if (< (length prio) 3) (setq prio (quote ("A" "C" "B")))) (setq prio (mapcar (quote string-to-char) prio)) (org-set-local (quote org-highest-priority) (aref (nth 0 prio) 0)) (org-set-local (quote org-lowest-priority) (aref (nth 1 prio) 0)) (org-set-local (quote org-default-priority) (aref (nth 2 prio) 0))) # bind (prio kws1 sep tail dws hw links tags arch cat value key kwds splitre re) (let ((re (org-make-options-regexp (quote ("CATEGORY" "SEQ_TODO" "PRI_TODO" "TYP_TODO" "STARTUP" "ARCHIVE" "TAGS" "LINK" "PRIORITIES")))) (splitre "[ ]+") kwds key value cat arch tags links hw dws tail sep kws1 prio) (save-excursion (save-restriction (widen) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward re nil t) (setq key (match-string 1) value (org-match-string-no-properties 2)) (cond ((equal key "CATEGORY") (if (string-match "[ ]+$" value) (setq value (replace-match "" t t value))) (setq cat (intern value))) ((equal key "SEQ_TODO") (push (cons (quote sequence) (org-split-string value splitre)) kwds)) ((equal key "TYP_TODO") (push (cons (quote type) (org-split-string value splitre)) kwds)) ((equal key "TAGS") (setq tags (append tags (org-split-string value splitre)))) ((equal key "LINK") (when (string-match "^\\(\\S-+\\)[ ]+\\(.+\\)" value) (push (cons (match-string 1 value) (org-trim (match-string 2 value))) links))) ((equal key "PRIORITIES") (setq prio (org-split -string " +" value))) ((equal key "STARTUP") (let ((opts (org-split-string value splitre)) l var val) (while (setq l (pop opts)) (when (setq l (assoc l org-startup-options)) (setq var (nth 1 l) val (nth 2 l)) (if (not (nth 3 l)) (set (make-local-variable var) val) (if (not (listp (symbol-value var))) (set (make-local-variable var) nil)) (set (make-local-variable var) (symbol-value var)) (add-to-list var val)))))) ((equal key "ARCHIVE") (string-match " *$" value) (setq arch (replace-match "" t t value)) (remove-text-properties 0 (length arch) (quote (face t fontified t)) arch)))))) (and cat (org-set-local (quote org-category) cat)) (when prio (if (< (length prio) 3) (setq prio (quote ("A" "C" "B")))) (setq prio (mapcar (quote string-to-char) prio)) (org-set-local (quote org-highest-priority) (aref (nth 0 prio) 0)) (org-set-local (quote org-lowest-priority) (aref (nth 1 prio) 0)) (org-set-local (quote org-default-priority) (aref (nth 2 prio) 0))) (and arch (org-set-local (quot e org-archive-location) arch)) (and links (setq org-link-abbrev-alist-local (nreverse links))) (unless kwds (setq kwds (default-value (quote org-todo-keywords))) (if (stringp (car kwds)) (setq kwds (list (cons org-todo-interpretation (default-value (quote org-todo-keywords)))))) (setq kwds (reverse kwds))) (setq kwds (nreverse kwds)) (let (inter kws) (while (setq kws (pop kwds)) (setq inter (pop kws) sep (member "|" kws) kws1 (delete "|" (copy-sequence kws)) hw (car kws1) dws (if sep (cdr sep) (last kws1)) tail (list inter hw (car dws) (org-last dws))) (add-to-list (quote org-todo-heads) hw (quote append)) (push kws1 org-todo-sets) (setq org-done-keywords (append org-done-keywords dws nil)) (mapc (lambda (x) (push (cons x tail) org-todo-kwd-alist)) kws1) (setq org-todo-keywords-1 (append org-todo-keywords-1 kws1 nil))) (setq org-todo-sets (nreverse org-todo-sets) org-todo-kwd-alist (nreverse org-todo-kwd-alist))) (when tags (let (e tgs) (while (setq e (pop tags)) (cond ((equ al e "{") (push (quote (:startgroup)) tgs)) ((equal e "}") (push (quote (:endgroup)) tgs)) ((string-match "^\\([EMAIL PROTECTED])(\\(.\\))$" e) (push (cons (match-string 1 e) (string-to-char (match-string 2 e))) tgs)) (t (push (list e) tgs)))) (org-set-local (quote org-tag-alist) nil) (while (setq e (pop tgs)) (or (and (stringp (car e)) (assoc (car e) org-tag-alist)) (push e org-tag-alist)))))) (progn (org-set-local (quote org-todo-kwd-alist) nil) (org-set-local (quote org-todo-keywords-1) nil) (org-set-local (quote org-done-keywords) nil) (org-set-local (quote org-todo-heads) nil) (org-set-local (quote org-todo-sets) nil) (let ((re (org-make-options-regexp (quote ("CATEGORY" "SEQ_TODO" "PRI_TODO" "TYP_TODO" "STARTUP" "ARCHIVE" "TAGS" "LINK" "PRIORITIES")))) (splitre "[ ]+") kwds key value cat arch tags links hw dws tail sep kws1 prio) (save-excursion (save-restriction (widen) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward re nil t) (setq key (match-string 1) value (org-match-string-no-properties 2)) (cond ((equal key "CATEGORY") (if (string-match "[ ]+$" value) (setq value (replace-match "" t t value))) (setq cat (intern value))) ((equal key "SEQ_TODO") (push (cons (quote sequence) (org-split-string value splitre)) kwds)) ((equal key "TYP_TODO") (push (cons (quote type) (org-split-string value splitre)) kwds)) ((equal key "TAGS") (setq tags (append tags (org -split-string value splitre)))) ((equal key "LINK") (when (string-match "^\\(\\S-+\\)[ ]+\\(.+\\)" value) (push (cons (match-string 1 value) (org-trim (match-string 2 value))) links))) ((equal key "PRIORITIES") (setq prio (org-split-string " +" value))) ((equal key "STARTUP") (let ((opts (org-split-string value splitre)) l var val) (while (setq l (pop opts)) (when (setq l (assoc l org-startup-options)) (setq var (nth 1 l) val (nth 2 l)) (if (not (nth 3 l)) (set (make-local-variable var) val) (if (not (listp (symbol-value var))) (set (make-local-variable var) nil)) (set (make-local-variable var) (symbol-value var)) (add-to-list var val)))))) ((equal key "ARCHIVE") (string-match " *$" value) (setq arch (replace-match "" t t value)) (remove-text-properties 0 (length arch) (quote (face t fontified t)) arch)))))) (and cat (org-set-local (quote org-category) cat)) (when prio (if (< (length prio) 3) (setq prio (quote ("A" "C" "B")))) (setq prio (mapcar (quote string-to-char) prio) ) (org-set-local (quote org-highest-priority) (aref (nth 0 prio) 0)) (org-set-local (quote org-lowest-priority) (aref (nth 1 prio) 0)) (org-set-local (quote org-default-priority) (aref (nth 2 prio) 0))) (and arch (org-set-local (quote org-archive-location) arch)) (and links (setq org-link-abbrev-alist-local (nreverse links))) (unless kwds (setq kwds (default-value (quote org-todo-keywords))) (if (stringp (car kwds)) (setq kwds (list (cons org-todo-interpretation (default-value (quote org-todo-keywords)))))) (setq kwds (reverse kwds))) (setq kwds (nreverse kwds)) (let (inter kws) (while (setq kws (pop kwds)) (setq inter (pop kws) sep (member "|" kws) kws1 (delete "|" (copy-sequence kws)) hw (car kws1) dws (if sep (cdr sep) (last kws1)) tail (list inter hw (car dws) (org-last dws))) (add-to-list (quote org-todo-heads) hw (quote append)) (push kws1 org-todo-sets) (setq org-done-keywords (append org-done-keywords dws nil)) (mapc (lambda (x) (push (cons x tail) org-todo-kwd-alist )) kws1) (setq org-todo-keywords-1 (append org-todo-keywords-1 kws1 nil))) (setq org-todo-sets (nreverse org-todo-sets) org-todo-kwd-alist (nreverse org-todo-kwd-alist))) (when tags (let (e tgs) (while (setq e (pop tags)) (cond ((equal e "{") (push (quote (:startgroup)) tgs)) ((equal e "}") (push (quote (:endgroup)) tgs)) ((string-match "^\\([EMAIL PROTECTED])(\\(.\\))$" e) (push (cons (match-string 1 e) (string-to-char (match-string 2 e))) tgs)) (t (push (list e) tgs)))) (org-set-local (quote org-tag-alist) nil) (while (setq e (pop tgs)) (or (and (stringp (car e)) (assoc (car e) org-tag-alist)) (push e org-tag-alist)))))) (if (not org-done-keywords) (setq org-done-keywords (list (org-last org-todo-keywords-1)))) (setq org-ds-keyword-length (+ 2 (max (length org-deadline-string) (length org-scheduled-string))) org-not-done-keywords (org-delete-all org-done-keywords (copy-sequence org-todo-keywords-1)) org-todo-regexp (concat "\\<\\(" (mapconcat (quote regexp-quote) org-todo-k eywords-1 "\\|") "\\)\\>") org-not-done-regexp (concat "\\<\\(" (mapconcat (quote regexp-quote) org-not-done-keywords "\\|") "\\)\\>") org-todo-line-regexp (concat "^\\(\\*+\\)[ ]*\\(?:\\(" (mapconcat (quote regexp-quote) org-todo-keywords-1 "\\|") "\\)\\>\\)? *\\(.*\\)") org-nl-done-regexp (concat "[\n]\\*+[ ]+" "\\(?:" (mapconcat (quote regexp-quote) org-done-keywords "\\|") "\\)" "\\>") org-todo-line-tags-regexp (concat "^\\(\\*+\\)[ ]*\\(?:\\(" (mapconcat (quote regexp-quote) org-todo-keywords-1 "\\|") "\\)\\>\\)? *\\(.*?\\([ ]:[a-zA-Z0-9:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[ ]*\\)?$\\)") org-looking-at-done-regexp (concat "^" "\\(?:" (mapconcat (quote regexp-quote) org-done-keywords "\\|") "\\)" "\\>") org-deadline-regexp (concat "\\<" org-deadline-string) org-deadline-time-regexp (concat "\\<" org-deadline-string " *<\\([^>]+\\)>") org-deadline-line-regexp (concat "\\<\\(" org-deadline-string "\\).*") org-scheduled-regexp (concat "\\<" org-scheduled-string) org-scheduled-time-regexp (concat "\\ <" org-scheduled-string " *<\\([^>]+\\)>") org-closed-time-regexp (concat "\\<" org-closed-string " *\\[\\([^]]+\\)\\]") org-keyword-time-regexp (concat "\\<\\(" org-scheduled-string "\\|" org-deadline-string "\\|" org-closed-string "\\|" org-clock-string "\\)" " *[[<]\\([^]>]+\\)[]>]") org-keyword-time-not-clock-regexp (concat "\\<\\(" org-scheduled-string "\\|" org-deadline-string "\\|" org-closed-string "\\)" " *[[<]\\([^]>]+\\)[]>]") org-maybe-keyword-time-regexp (concat "\\(\\<\\(" org-scheduled-string "\\|" org-deadline-string "\\|" org-closed-string "\\|" org-clock-string "\\)\\)?" " *\\([[<][0-9]\\{4\\}-[0-9]\\{2\\}-[0-9]\\{2\\} [^]\n>]*?[]>]\\|<%%([^\n>]*>\\)") org-planning-or-clock-line-re (concat "\\(?:^[ ]*\\(" org-scheduled-string "\\|" org-deadline-string "\\|" org-closed-string "\\|" org-clock-string "\\)\\>\\)")) (org-set-font-lock-defaults)) (if (org-mode-p) (progn (org-set-local (quote org-todo-kwd-alist) nil) (org-set-local (quote org-todo-keywords-1) nil) (org-set-local (quote org-done-keywords) nil) (org-set-local (quote org-todo-heads) nil) (org-set-local (quote org-todo-sets) nil) (let ((re (org-make-options-regexp (quote ("CATEGORY" "SEQ_TODO" "PRI_TODO" "TYP_TODO" "STARTUP" "ARCHIVE" "TAGS" "LINK" "PRIORITIES")))) (splitre "[ ]+") kwds key value cat arch tags links hw dws tail sep kws1 prio) (save-excursion (save-restriction (widen) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward re nil t) (setq key (match-string 1) value (org-match-string-no-properties 2)) (cond ((equal key "CATEGORY") (if (string-match "[ ]+$" value) (setq value (replace-match "" t t value))) (setq cat (intern value))) ((equal key "SEQ_TODO") (push (cons (quote sequence) (org-split-string value splitre)) kwds)) ((equal key "TYP_TODO") (push (cons (quote type) (org-split-string value splitre)) kwds)) ((equal key "TAGS") (setq tags (append tags (org-split-string value splitre)))) ((equal key "LINK") (when (string-match "^\\(\\S-+\\)[ ]+\\(.+\\)" value) (push (cons (match-string 1 value) (org-trim (match-string 2 value))) links))) ((equal key "PRIORITIES") (setq prio (org-split-string " +" value))) ((equal key "STARTUP") (let ((opts (org-split-string value splitre)) l var val) (while (setq l (pop opts)) (when (setq l (assoc l org-startup-options)) (setq var (nth 1 l) val (nth 2 l)) (if (not (nth 3 l)) (set (make-local-variable var) val) (if (not (listp (symbol-value var))) (set (make-local-variable var) nil)) (set (make-local-variable var) (symbol-value var)) (add-to-list var val)))))) ((equal key "ARCHIVE") (string-match " *$" value) (setq arch (replace-match "" t t value)) (remove-text-properties 0 (length arch) (quote (face t fontified t)) arch)))))) (and cat (org-set-local (quote org-category) cat)) (when prio (if (< (length prio) 3) (setq prio (quote ("A" "C" "B")))) (setq prio (mapcar (quote stri ng-to-char) prio)) (org-set-local (quote org-highest-priority) (aref (nth 0 prio) 0)) (org-set-local (quote org-lowest-priority) (aref (nth 1 prio) 0)) (org-set-local (quote org-default-priority) (aref (nth 2 prio) 0))) (and arch (org-set-local (quote org-archive-location) arch)) (and links (setq org-link-abbrev-alist-local (nreverse links))) (unless kwds (setq kwds (default-value (quote org-todo-keywords))) (if (stringp (car kwds)) (setq kwds (list (cons org-todo-interpretation (default-value (quote org-todo-keywords)))))) (setq kwds (reverse kwds))) (setq kwds (nreverse kwds)) (let (inter kws) (while (setq kws (pop kwds)) (setq inter (pop kws) sep (member "|" kws) kws1 (delete "|" (copy-sequence kws)) hw (car kws1) dws (if sep (cdr sep) (last kws1)) tail (list inter hw (car dws) (org-last dws))) (add-to-list (quote org-todo-heads) hw (quote append)) (push kws1 org-todo-sets) (setq org-done-keywords (append org-done-keywords dws nil)) (mapc (lambda (x) (push (cons x tail) o rg-todo-kwd-alist)) kws1) (setq org-todo-keywords-1 (append org-todo-keywords-1 kws1 nil))) (setq org-todo-sets (nreverse org-todo-sets) org-todo-kwd-alist (nreverse org-todo-kwd-alist))) (when tags (let (e tgs) (while (setq e (pop tags)) (cond ((equal e "{") (push (quote (:startgroup)) tgs)) ((equal e "}") (push (quote (:endgroup)) tgs)) ((string-match "^\\([EMAIL PROTECTED])(\\(.\\))$" e) (push (cons (match-string 1 e) (string-to-char (match-string 2 e))) tgs)) (t (push (list e) tgs)))) (org-set-local (quote org-tag-alist) nil) (while (setq e (pop tgs)) (or (and (stringp (car e)) (assoc (car e) org-tag-alist)) (push e org-tag-alist)))))) (if (not org-done-keywords) (setq org-done-keywords (list (org-last org-todo-keywords-1)))) (setq org-ds-keyword-length (+ 2 (max (length org-deadline-string) (length org-scheduled-string))) org-not-done-keywords (org-delete-all org-done-keywords (copy-sequence org-todo-keywords-1)) org-todo-regexp (concat "\\<\\(" (mapconcat (quote regexp- quote) org-todo-keywords-1 "\\|") "\\)\\>") org-not-done-regexp (concat "\\<\\(" (mapconcat (quote regexp-quote) org-not-done-keywords "\\|") "\\)\\>") org-todo-line-regexp (concat "^\\(\\*+\\)[ ]*\\(?:\\(" (mapconcat (quote regexp-quote) org-todo-keywords-1 "\\|") "\\)\\>\\)? *\\(.*\\)") org-nl-done-regexp (concat "[\n]\\*+[ ]+" "\\(?:" (mapconcat (quote regexp-quote) org-done-keywords "\\|") "\\)" "\\>") org-todo-line-tags-regexp (concat "^\\(\\*+\\)[ ]*\\(?:\\(" (mapconcat (quote regexp-quote) org-todo-keywords-1 "\\|") "\\)\\>\\)? *\\(.*?\\([ ]:[a-zA-Z0-9:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[ ]*\\)?$\\)") org-looking-at-done-regexp (concat "^" "\\(?:" (mapconcat (quote regexp-quote) org-done-keywords "\\|") "\\)" "\\>") org-deadline-regexp (concat "\\<" org-deadline-string) org-deadline-time-regexp (concat "\\<" org-deadline-string " *<\\([^>]+\\)>") org-deadline-line-regexp (concat "\\<\\(" org-deadline-string "\\).*") org-scheduled-regexp (concat "\\<" org-scheduled-string) org-scheduled-time-r egexp (concat "\\<" org-scheduled-string " *<\\([^>]+\\)>") org-closed-time-regexp (concat "\\<" org-closed-string " *\\[\\([^]]+\\)\\]") org-keyword-time-regexp (concat "\\<\\(" org-scheduled-string "\\|" org-deadline-string "\\|" org-closed-string "\\|" org-clock-string "\\)" " *[[<]\\([^]>]+\\)[]>]") org-keyword-time-not-clock-regexp (concat "\\<\\(" org-scheduled-string "\\|" org-deadline-string "\\|" org-closed-string "\\)" " *[[<]\\([^]>]+\\)[]>]") org-maybe-keyword-time-regexp (concat "\\(\\<\\(" org-scheduled-string "\\|" org-deadline-string "\\|" org-closed-string "\\|" org-clock-string "\\)\\)?" " *\\([[<][0-9]\\{4\\}-[0-9]\\{2\\}-[0-9]\\{2\\} [^]\n>]*?[]>]\\|<%%([^\n>]*>\\)") org-planning-or-clock-line-re (concat "\\(?:^[ ]*\\(" org-scheduled-string "\\|" org-deadline-string "\\|" org-closed-string "\\|" org-clock-string "\\)\\>\\)")) (org-set-font-lock-defaults))) (when (org-mode-p) (org-set-local (quote org-todo-kwd-alist) nil) (org-set-local (quote org-todo-keywords-1) nil) (org-set-local (quote org-done-keywords) nil) (org-set-local (quote org-todo-heads) nil) (org-set-local (quote org-todo-sets) nil) (let ((re (org-make-options-regexp (quote ("CATEGORY" "SEQ_TODO" "PRI_TODO" "TYP_TODO" "STARTUP" "ARCHIVE" "TAGS" "LINK" "PRIORITIES")))) (splitre "[ ]+") kwds key value cat arch tags links hw dws tail sep kws1 prio) (save-excursion (save-restriction (widen) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward re nil t) (setq key (match-string 1) value (org-match-string-no-properties 2)) (cond ((equal key "CATEGORY") (if (string-match "[ ]+$" value) (setq value (replace-match "" t t value))) (setq cat (intern value))) ((equal key "SEQ_TODO") (push (cons (quote sequence) (org-split-string value splitre)) kwds)) ((equal key "TYP_TODO") (push (cons (quote type) (org-split-string value splitre)) kwds)) ((equal key "TAGS") (setq tags (appe nd tags (org-split-string value splitre)))) ((equal key "LINK") (when (string-match "^\\(\\S-+\\)[ ]+\\(.+\\)" value) (push (cons (match-string 1 value) (org-trim (match-string 2 value))) links))) ((equal key "PRIORITIES") (setq prio (org-split-string " +" value))) ((equal key "STARTUP") (let ((opts (org-split-string value splitre)) l var val) (while (setq l (pop opts)) (when (setq l (assoc l org-startup-options)) (setq var (nth 1 l) val (nth 2 l)) (if (not (nth 3 l)) (set (make-local-variable var) val) (if (not (listp (symbol-value var))) (set (make-local-variable var) nil)) (set (make-local-variable var) (symbol-value var)) (add-to-list var val)))))) ((equal key "ARCHIVE") (string-match " *$" value) (setq arch (replace-match "" t t value)) (remove-text-properties 0 (length arch) (quote (face t fontified t)) arch)))))) (and cat (org-set-local (quote org-category) cat)) (when prio (if (< (length prio) 3) (setq prio (quote ("A" "C" "B")))) (setq prio (mapcar (quote string-to -char) prio)) (org-set-local (quote org-highest-priority) (aref (nth 0 prio) 0)) (org-set-local (quote org-lowest-priority) (aref (nth 1 prio) 0)) (org-set-local (quote org-default-priority) (aref (nth 2 prio) 0))) (and arch (org-set-local (quote org-archive-location) arch)) (and links (setq org-link-abbrev-alist-local (nreverse links))) (unless kwds (setq kwds (default-value (quote org-todo-keywords))) (if (stringp (car kwds)) (setq kwds (list (cons org-todo-interpretation (default-value (quote org-todo-keywords)))))) (setq kwds (reverse kwds))) (setq kwds (nreverse kwds)) (let (inter kws) (while (setq kws (pop kwds)) (setq inter (pop kws) sep (member "|" kws) kws1 (delete "|" (copy-sequence kws)) hw (car kws1) dws (if sep (cdr sep) (last kws1)) tail (list inter hw (car dws) (org-last dws))) (add-to-list (quote org-todo-heads) hw (quote append)) (push kws1 org-todo-sets) (setq org-done-keywords (append org-done-keywords dws nil)) (mapc (lambda (x) (push (cons x tail) org-to do-kwd-alist)) kws1) (setq org-todo-keywords-1 (append org-todo-keywords-1 kws1 nil))) (setq org-todo-sets (nreverse org-todo-sets) org-todo-kwd-alist (nreverse org-todo-kwd-alist))) (when tags (let (e tgs) (while (setq e (pop tags)) (cond ((equal e "{") (push (quote (:startgroup)) tgs)) ((equal e "}") (push (quote (:endgroup)) tgs)) ((string-match "^\\([EMAIL PROTECTED])(\\(.\\))$" e) (push (cons (match-string 1 e) (string-to-char (match-string 2 e))) tgs)) (t (push (list e) tgs)))) (org-set-local (quote org-tag-alist) nil) (while (setq e (pop tgs)) (or (and (stringp (car e)) (assoc (car e) org-tag-alist)) (push e org-tag-alist)))))) (if (not org-done-keywords) (setq org-done-keywords (list (org-last org-todo-keywords-1)))) (setq org-ds-keyword-length (+ 2 (max (length org-deadline-string) (length org-scheduled-string))) org-not-done-keywords (org-delete-all org-done-keywords (copy-sequence org-todo-keywords-1)) org-todo-regexp (concat "\\<\\(" (mapconcat (quote regexp-quote ) org-todo-keywords-1 "\\|") "\\)\\>") org-not-done-regexp (concat "\\<\\(" (mapconcat (quote regexp-quote) org-not-done-keywords "\\|") "\\)\\>") org-todo-line-regexp (concat "^\\(\\*+\\)[ ]*\\(?:\\(" (mapconcat (quote regexp-quote) org-todo-keywords-1 "\\|") "\\)\\>\\)? *\\(.*\\)") org-nl-done-regexp (concat "[\n]\\*+[ ]+" "\\(?:" (mapconcat (quote regexp-quote) org-done-keywords "\\|") "\\)" "\\>") org-todo-line-tags-regexp (concat "^\\(\\*+\\)[ ]*\\(?:\\(" (mapconcat (quote regexp-quote) org-todo-keywords-1 "\\|") "\\)\\>\\)? *\\(.*?\\([ ]:[a-zA-Z0-9:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[ ]*\\)?$\\)") org-looking-at-done-regexp (concat "^" "\\(?:" (mapconcat (quote regexp-quote) org-done-keywords "\\|") "\\)" "\\>") org-deadline-regexp (concat "\\<" org-deadline-string) org-deadline-time-regexp (concat "\\<" org-deadline-string " *<\\([^>]+\\)>") org-deadline-line-regexp (concat "\\<\\(" org-deadline-string "\\).*") org-scheduled-regexp (concat "\\<" org-scheduled-string) org-scheduled-time-regexp (concat "\\<" org-scheduled-string " *<\\([^>]+\\)>") org-closed-time-regexp (concat "\\<" org-closed-string " *\\[\\([^]]+\\)\\]") org-keyword-time-regexp (concat "\\<\\(" org-scheduled-string "\\|" org-deadline-string "\\|" org-closed-string "\\|" org-clock-string "\\)" " *[[<]\\([^]>]+\\)[]>]") org-keyword-time-not-clock-regexp (concat "\\<\\(" org-scheduled-string "\\|" org-deadline-string "\\|" org-closed-string "\\)" " *[[<]\\([^]>]+\\)[]>]") org-maybe-keyword-time-regexp (concat "\\(\\<\\(" org-scheduled-string "\\|" org-deadline-string "\\|" org-closed-string "\\|" org-clock-string "\\)\\)?" " *\\([[<][0-9]\\{4\\}-[0-9]\\{2\\}-[0-9]\\{2\\} [^]\n>]*?[]>]\\|<%%([^\n>]*>\\)") org-planning-or-clock-line-re (concat "\\(?:^[ ]*\\(" org-scheduled-string "\\|" org-deadline-string "\\|" org-closed-string "\\|" org-clock-string "\\)\\>\\)")) (org-set-font-lock-defaults))
  # bind (delay-mode-hooks)
(let ((delay-mode-hooks t)) (outline-mode) (setq major-mode (quote org-mode)) (setq mode-name "Org") (progn (if (get (quote outline-mode) (quote mode-class)) (put (quote org-mode) (quote mode-class) (get (quote outline-mode) (quote mode-class)))) (unless (keymap-parent org-mode-map) (set-keymap-parents org-mode-map (list (current-local-map)))) (derived-mode-merge-syntax-tables (syntax-table) org-mode-syntax-table)) (use-local-map org-mode-map) (set-syntax-table org-mode-syntax-table) (setq local-abbrev-table org-mode-abbrev-table) (if (featurep (quote xemacs)) (when (boundp (quote outline-mode-menu-heading)) (easy-menu-remove outline-mode-menu-heading) (easy-menu-remove outline-mode-menu-show) (easy-menu-remove outline-mode-menu-hide)) (define-key org-mode-map [menu-bar headings] (quote undefined)) (define-key org-mode-map [menu-bar hide] (quote undefined)) (define-key org-mode-map [menu-bar show] (quote undefined))) (easy-menu-add org-org-menu) (easy-menu-add org-tbl-menu) (org-install-agenda-files-menu) (if org-descriptive-links (org-add-to-invisibility-spec (quote (org-link)))) (org-add-to-invisibility-spec (quote (org-cwidth))) (when (featurep (quote xemacs)) (org-set-local (quote line-move-ignore-invisible) t)) (setq outline-regexp "\\*+") (setq outline-level (quote org-outline-level)) (when (and org-ellipsis (stringp org-ellipsis) (fboundp (quote set-display-table-slot)) (boundp (quote buffer-display-table))) (unless org-display-table (setq org-display-table (make-display-table))) (set-display-table-slot org-display-table 4 (string-to-vector org-ellipsis)) (setq buffer-display-table org-display-table)) (org-set-regexps-and-options) (org-set-local (quote calc-embedded-open-mode) "# ") (modify-syntax-entry ?\# "<") (modify-syntax-entry ?@ "w") (if org-startup-truncated (setq truncate-lines t)) (org-set-local (quote font-lock-unfontify-region-function) (quote org-unfontify-region)) (org-set-local (quote org-table-may-need-update) t) (org-ad d-hook (quote before-change-functions) (quote org-before-change-function) nil (quote local)) (org-add-hook (quote kill-buffer-hook) (quote org-check-running-clock) nil (quote local)) (org-set-autofill-regexps) (setq indent-line-function (quote org-indent-line-function)) (org-update-radio-target-regexp) (org-set-local (quote comment-padding) " ") (if (or (featurep (quote xemacs)) (not (boundp (quote outline-isearch-open-invisible-function)))) (org-add-hook (quote isearch-mode-end-hook) (quote org-isearch-end) (quote append) (quote local)) (org-set-local (quote outline-isearch-open-invisible-function) (lambda (&rest ignore) (org-show-context (quote isearch))))) (if (and org-insert-mode-line-in-empty-file (interactive-p) (= (point-min) (point-max))) (insert "# -*- mode: org -*-\n\n")) (unless org-inhibit-startup (when org-startup-align-all-tables (let ((bmp (buffer-modified-p))) (org-table-map-tables (quote org-table-align)) (set-buffer-modified-p bmp))) (cond ((eq org-start up-folded t) (org-cycle (quote (4)))) ((eq org-startup-folded (quote content)) (let ((this-command (quote org-cycle)) (last-command (quote org-cycle))) (org-cycle (quote (4))) (org-cycle (quote (4)))))))) (progn (make-local-variable (quote delay-mode-hooks)) (let ((delay-mode-hooks t)) (outline-mode) (setq major-mode (quote org-mode)) (setq mode-name "Org") (progn (if (get (quote outline-mode) (quote mode-class)) (put (quote org-mode) (quote mode-class) (get (quote outline-mode) (quote mode-class)))) (unless (keymap-parent org-mode-map) (set-keymap-parents org-mode-map (list (current-local-map)))) (derived-mode-merge-syntax-tables (syntax-table) org-mode-syntax-table)) (use-local-map org-mode-map) (set-syntax-table org-mode-syntax-table) (setq local-abbrev-table org-mode-abbrev-table) (if (featurep (quote xemacs)) (when (boundp (quote outline-mode-menu-heading)) (easy-menu-remove outline-mode-menu-heading) (easy-menu-remove outline-mode-menu-show) (easy-menu-remove outline-mode-menu-hide)) (define-key org-mode-map [menu-bar headings] (quote undefined)) (define-key org-mode-map [menu-bar hide] (quote undefined)) (define-key org-mode-map [menu-bar show] (quote undefined))) (ea sy-menu-add org-org-menu) (easy-menu-add org-tbl-menu) (org-install-agenda-files-menu) (if org-descriptive-links (org-add-to-invisibility-spec (quote (org-link)))) (org-add-to-invisibility-spec (quote (org-cwidth))) (when (featurep (quote xemacs)) (org-set-local (quote line-move-ignore-invisible) t)) (setq outline-regexp "\\*+") (setq outline-level (quote org-outline-level)) (when (and org-ellipsis (stringp org-ellipsis) (fboundp (quote set-display-table-slot)) (boundp (quote buffer-display-table))) (unless org-display-table (setq org-display-table (make-display-table))) (set-display-table-slot org-display-table 4 (string-to-vector org-ellipsis)) (setq buffer-display-table org-display-table)) (org-set-regexps-and-options) (org-set-local (quote calc-embedded-open-mode) "# ") (modify-syntax-entry ?\# "<") (modify-syntax-entry ?@ "w") (if org-startup-truncated (setq truncate-lines t)) (org-set-local (quote font-lock-unfontify-region-function) (quote org-unfontify-region)) (org- set-local (quote org-table-may-need-update) t) (org-add-hook (quote before-change-functions) (quote org-before-change-function) nil (quote local)) (org-add-hook (quote kill-buffer-hook) (quote org-check-running-clock) nil (quote local)) (org-set-autofill-regexps) (setq indent-line-function (quote org-indent-line-function)) (org-update-radio-target-regexp) (org-set-local (quote comment-padding) " ") (if (or (featurep (quote xemacs)) (not (boundp (quote outline-isearch-open-invisible-function)))) (org-add-hook (quote isearch-mode-end-hook) (quote org-isearch-end) (quote append) (quote local)) (org-set-local (quote outline-isearch-open-invisible-function) (lambda (&rest ignore) (org-show-context (quote isearch))))) (if (and org-insert-mode-line-in-empty-file (interactive-p) (= (point-min) (point-max))) (insert "# -*- mode: org -*-\n\n")) (unless org-inhibit-startup (when org-startup-align-all-tables (let ((bmp (buffer-modified-p))) (org-table-map-tables (quote org-table-alig n)) (set-buffer-modified-p bmp))) (cond ((eq org-startup-folded t) (org-cycle (quote (4)))) ((eq org-startup-folded (quote content)) (let ((this-command (quote org-cycle)) (last-command (quote org-cycle))) (org-cycle (quote (4))) (org-cycle (quote (4))))))))) (delay-mode-hooks (outline-mode) (setq major-mode (quote org-mode)) (setq mode-name "Org") (progn (if (get (quote outline-mode) (quote mode-class)) (put (quote org-mode) (quote mode-class) (get (quote outline-mode) (quote mode-class)))) (unless (keymap-parent org-mode-map) (set-keymap-parents org-mode-map (list (current-local-map)))) (derived-mode-merge-syntax-tables (syntax-table) org-mode-syntax-table)) (use-local-map org-mode-map) (set-syntax-table org-mode-syntax-table) (setq local-abbrev-table org-mode-abbrev-table) (if (featurep (quote xemacs)) (when (boundp (quote outline-mode-menu-heading)) (easy-menu-remove outline-mode-menu-heading) (easy-menu-remove outline-mode-menu-show) (easy-menu-remove outline-mode-menu-hide)) (define-key org-mode-map [menu-bar headings] (quote undefined)) (define-key org-mode-map [menu-bar hide] (quote undefined)) (define-key org-mode-map [menu-bar show] (quote undefined))) (easy-menu-add org-org-menu) (easy-menu-add org-tbl-menu) (org-inst all-agenda-files-menu) (if org-descriptive-links (org-add-to-invisibility-spec (quote (org-link)))) (org-add-to-invisibility-spec (quote (org-cwidth))) (when (featurep (quote xemacs)) (org-set-local (quote line-move-ignore-invisible) t)) (setq outline-regexp "\\*+") (setq outline-level (quote org-outline-level)) (when (and org-ellipsis (stringp org-ellipsis) (fboundp (quote set-display-table-slot)) (boundp (quote buffer-display-table))) (unless org-display-table (setq org-display-table (make-display-table))) (set-display-table-slot org-display-table 4 (string-to-vector org-ellipsis)) (setq buffer-display-table org-display-table)) (org-set-regexps-and-options) (org-set-local (quote calc-embedded-open-mode) "# ") (modify-syntax-entry ?\# "<") (modify-syntax-entry ?@ "w") (if org-startup-truncated (setq truncate-lines t)) (org-set-local (quote font-lock-unfontify-region-function) (quote org-unfontify-region)) (org-set-local (quote org-table-may-need-update) t) (org-add-hook (qu ote before-change-functions) (quote org-before-change-function) nil (quote local)) (org-add-hook (quote kill-buffer-hook) (quote org-check-running-clock) nil (quote local)) (org-set-autofill-regexps) (setq indent-line-function (quote org-indent-line-function)) (org-update-radio-target-regexp) (org-set-local (quote comment-padding) " ") (if (or (featurep (quote xemacs)) (not (boundp (quote outline-isearch-open-invisible-function)))) (org-add-hook (quote isearch-mode-end-hook) (quote org-isearch-end) (quote append) (quote local)) (org-set-local (quote outline-isearch-open-invisible-function) (lambda (&rest ignore) (org-show-context (quote isearch))))) (if (and org-insert-mode-line-in-empty-file (interactive-p) (= (point-min) (point-max))) (insert "# -*- mode: org -*-\n\n")) (unless org-inhibit-startup (when org-startup-align-all-tables (let ((bmp (buffer-modified-p))) (org-table-map-tables (quote org-table-align)) (set-buffer-modified-p bmp))) (cond ((eq org-startup-folded t) (org-cycle (quote (4)))) ((eq org-startup-folded (quote content)) (let ((this-command (quote org-cycle)) (last-command (quote org-cycle))) (org-cycle (quote (4))) (org-cycle (quote (4))))))))
  # bind (alist mode name keep-going)
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  # bind (just-from-file-name)
  #<compiled-function nil "...(5)" [set-auto-mode t] 1>()
  # (unwind-protect ...)
call-with-condition-handler(#<compiled-function (__call_trapping_errors_arg__) "...(17)" [__call_trapping_errors_arg__ errstr error-message-string lwarn file-mode-spec warning "Error in %s: %s\n\nBacktrace follows:\n\n%s" "File mode specification" backtrace-in-condition-handler-eliminating-handler] 8> #<compiled-function nil "...(5)" [set-auto-mode t] 1>)
  # (condition-case ... . ((error)))
  # bind (find-file)
  # bind (nomodes after-find-file-from-revert-buffer noauto warn error)
  after-find-file(nil t)
  # (unwind-protect ...)
# bind (inhibit-read-only error number truename rawfile nowarn filename buf) find-file-noselect-1(#<buffer ""> "/home/wknaka/doit/" nil nil "/home/wknaka/doit/" (1786546 772)) byte-code("..." [number truename rawfile nowarn filename buf set-buffer-major-mode find-file-noselect-1] 7) # (condition-case ... . ((t (byte-code "Â!ˆÃ @ A\"‡" [buf data kill-buffer signal] 3))))
  # bind (number truename buf wildcards rawfile nowarn filename)
  find-file-noselect("/home/wknaka/doit/" nil nil nil)
  # bind (wildcards codesys filename)
# bind (line path client frame device dest-frame new-frame old-device-num quick view flags list type)
  gnuserv-edit-files((x ":0.0") ((1 . "/home/wknaka/doit/")))
eval((gnuserv-edit-files (quote (x ":0.0")) (quote ((1 . "/home/wknaka/doit/")))))
  byte-code("..." [header gnuserv-string eval read-from-string] 4)
# (condition-case ... . ((error (byte-code "Ã\n«…Ä\n \"ˆÅÆ @ A\"‡" [gnuserv-string oops gnuserv-current-client "" gnuserv-write-to-client nil signal] 3)) (quit (byte-code "Ã\n«…Ä\n\"ˆÅÆÇÅ\"‡" [oops gnuserv-string gnuserv-current-client "" gnuserv-write-to-client nil signal quit] 3))))
  # bind (header string proc)
gnuserv-process-filter(#<process "gnuserv" pid 17636 state:run> "5 (gnuserv-edit-files '(x \":0.0\") '((1 . \"/home/wknaka/doit/\")))")
  ("execute_internal_event()" "[internal]")
  (dispatch-event "[internal]")
  # (condition-case ... . error)
  # (catch top-level ...)

Emacs-orgmode mailing list

Carsten Dominik
Sterrenkundig Instituut "Anton Pannekoek"
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Kruislaan 403
NL-1098SJ Amsterdam
phone: +31 20 525 7477

Emacs-orgmode mailing list

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