Hi Fabian,

On May 20, 2007, at 22:45, Fabian Braennstroem wrote:


    it's me again ... are my questions to stupid or does
    nobobdy have an idea?

neither nor - we are just too lazy or too busy.

* Fabian Braennstroem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

    I am a new user of org-mode; so far I am pretty
    I spread my todos into about 6 different main
    categories, each in an own file. So far it works pretty
    good, but I am kind of curious, when the lists get

    For the dayly use I have some questios:
    - can I use different colors for the keywords TODO,
    FEEDBACK, VERIFY, CANCEL and DONE in every buffer (agenda too)

No, this is currently not supported.  You could hack it in
using font-lock-add-keywords, but there is currently no
support for this in Org-mode.

    - how can I sort the agenda todo list according to the

It is sorted according to priority - but only within categories.
If you want it to ignore categories and sort by priority only,
you need to configure `org-agenda-sorting-strategy' to something
like this (this is the default setting, but with the part for the
todo list modified):

(setq org-agenda-sorting-strategy
      '((agenda time-up category-keep priority-down)
        (todo priority-down)
        (tags category-keep priority-down))

    - can I add priority 'd' to the list


(setq org-lowest-priority ?D)

Try `M-x org-customize RET' to find out more about the many

    - when you use the multiple file approach, do you use a
    lot of tags, or is it more usefull for a single file

This is a matter of taste, and different people use different
approaches.  See the org-mode homepage for links to
some of the discussions that happened here on this list.

    - can somebody explain the 43 folder approach

Google is your friend


 and how it
    is used with org-mode

Org-mode has no direct support for a 43 folders
setup - anyway, 43folders is, I thknk, mostly useful
as structure in real paper, not on a computer.

Hope this helps.

- Carsten

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