On Sat, May 12, 2007 at 01:28:49PM +0800, Joshua Gilliland wrote:
> but I just recently switched jobs
> and have a Windows computer at work, with no administrator access.  

the same for me :-(

but you can install some programs also without admin privileges,
provided you install them in a directory you can read/write
"Documents" is the best place.
I have 
c:/Documents and Settings/me/Documents/firefox/


> My question is, is there a pre-compiled Windows binary for Emacs

the version of emacs(snapshot) for windows can be downloaded from:


 __    Giovanni Ridolfi, PhD, Chemist
/ __   Peace is to the earth what yeast is to the dough.
\_) \  (the Talmud Beraita de Perek ha-Shalom)

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