Carsten Dominik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Apr 26, 2007, at 0:27, Patrick Drechsler wrote:
>> "Scott Jaderholm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
[...install script...]
>>> make
>> Why make?
>> Isn't org mode small enough to run with *.el files instead of *.elc
>> files?
> org.el is the single biggest Emacs Lisp file in the Emacs
> distribution.  Admittetly there are larger packages like gnus that
> have een split over many files, but still org-mode is PRETTY BIG.  I
> am glad that it still feels lightweight to you, this is one of the
> goals of its development.
> I would always recommend doing the compilation step.  

OK, thanks for the explanation, Carsten.


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