On Apr 19, 2007, at 1:15, Leo wrote:

Dear all,

How can I bring up a list of "stuck" projects? Here "stuck" means all of
the following:

  2. No TODO Keywords
  3. No Tag

Thank you.

You need some way to tell what a project is, for example
everything with level 2 that is not DONE.

To indicate that any TODO keyword or any tag will label the
project non-stuck, you currently have to list all TODO keywords
and all TAGS in the variable `org-stuck-projects'.

So right now you'd have to do something like:

(setq org-stuck-projects
  '("+LEVEL=2/-DONE" ("TODO" "NEXT" ...) ("TAG1" "TAG2" ...)))

I can see that this is unsatisfactory, so in the next version you will be able to specify "*" as a tag or a TODO keyword to indicate that you mean all of them. For now this will only work in the context of stuck projects.

(setq org-stuck-projects
  '("+LEVEL=2/-DONE" ("*") ("*")))

- Carsten

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