On Apr 5, 2007, at 16:08, Leo wrote:

On 2007-04-05, Leo said:

I also found C-c C-j convenient. However, it is quite weak when
navigating through a big file with various levels of subtrees. I
wonder would it be useful to add the support of navigating subtrees on
the same level?

I know C-c C-b and C-c C-f navigate on the same level. I was thinking
of making M-<up/down> navigate on the same level after hitting C-c

The keymap for org-goto has many more entries - seems like I never
documented this properly.  Here is the complete list.  Maybe
the n - p - f - p - u keys are what you are looking for?

TAB        org-cycle
down       outline-next-visible-heading
up         outline-previous-visible-heading
n          outline-next-visible-heading
p          outline-previous-visible-heading
f          outline-forward-same-level
b          outline-backward-same-level
u          outline-up-heading
C-c C-n    outline-next-visible-heading
C-c C-p    outline-previous-visible-heading
C-c C-f    outline-forward-same-level
C-c C-b    outline-backward-same-level
C-c C-u    outline-up-heading

RET        org-goto-ret
left       org-goto-left
right      org-goto-right
q          org-goto-quit
C-g        org-goto-quit

0-9        digit-argument

- Carsten

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