Charles Cave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I think it is best to structure the org-mode file to keep the
> agenda items for each person separate from the tags.
> So, if I want to make a list of things to talk about with Andrew,
> I will have a section for Andrew, and similarly for items to discuss
> with Belinda.
> * Agendas
> ** Andrew
> *** My annual performance review
> *** Discuss PROJECT X delivery date
> ** Belinda

This is definitely something I am struggling with. I haven't been
using my AGENDA tag as much since I end up just sending people email
anyway and therefore put a COMPUTER tag onto it.

What I did discover is that putting the projects into the same file as
my notes instead of a separate agenda file is working out a lot
better. I now intersperse next actions into my notes only if they are
not project related, but still keep everything in one file. I think I
will try the same with agendas and make AGENDA a TODO type rather than
a tag.

Thanks for the suggestion!


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