The US NSF Center for Analysis and Prediction of Pandemic Expansion<> (APPEX) at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville is actively calling for seed proposals for new working groups. The deadline is in a couple of weeks (Feb 28th), but the application is a very light lift. Propose something<>! Tell your friends! Come get to know us!
We are excited to announce our first semi-annual competition for new Seed Ideas for Working Groups-hearing from you what new and exciting projects APPEX should focus on next and recruiting new participants to form Working Groups around these seed ideas. This can be something you want to do yourself with our help or an idea you've always thought "someone should do," even if you don't want that someone to be you. If you have an exciting idea for how to study pandemic expansion, we want to work with you! Our goal is to have completed discussion around these first-round seed suggestions by the end of February 2025. Please add your ideas early and come back often to comment on/discuss ideas from others! Our process for Working Group Proposals is a little different from what you might be used to at other Institutes and Centers, but we're hoping it will be fun and easy! Take a look at the details here.<> Thank you, Lily Farabaugh Communications Manager National Institute for Modeling Biological Systems (NIMBioS) | NSF Center for Analysis and Prediction of Pandemic Expansion (APPEX) University of Tennessee, Knoxville Schedule a meeting<> | Personal Zoom Link<> | NIMBioS LinkTree<> To unsubscribe from this list please go to