The American Society of Naturalists will be participating in a joint meeting 
with the Society of the Study of Evolution and the Society of Systematic 
Biologists in May and June 2025! This includes hosting a special symposium 
during a virtual conference of the three societies on May 29-30.

Have an idea for this special symposium? We want to hear it!

The ASN Symposium Committee invites you to submit proposals for a special 
symposium. Proposed symposium topics should support the Society’s goal to 
advance the conceptual unification of the biological sciences and to further 
knowledge in evolution, ecology, behavior, and organismal biology. Topics could 
center around important emerging issues in evolution, ecology, or behavior or 
focus on a pivotal historical paper, tracing its impact and exploring current 
cutting-edge research inspired by this work.

Proposals should include (1) a title; (2) a description of the symposium topic 
(up to one page); (3) a list of six speakers, including institutional 
affiliations, who have agreed to participate in the symposium; (4) a 
justification for the symposium, explaining why the topic and speakers are 
appropriate for an ASN symposium (up to one page).

Please submit proposals by email ( no later than midnight 
Eastern Time on February 21, 2025. Send your proposal as a single pdf 
attachment, under subject heading “ASN 2025 Virtual Symposium Proposal”.

In line with the ASN's commitment to diversity, we encourage including speakers 
from groups who have been historically excluded from STEM. Therefore, proposals 
that include a diverse list of speakers from a range of backgrounds, 
institutions, career stages, geography, gender, race, etc. are especially 
encouraged. Further, we especially encourage early career researchers to 
propose sessions as organizing symposia can advance their careers through 
building broader scientific networks and a record of scientific leadership.

Additionally, the Society’s selection committee will evaluate proposals based 
on their potential to attract a substantial audience and stimulate discussion, 
the significance and timeliness of the topic, and on the topic differing 
substantively from recent symposia hosted by the Society. Applicants will be 
notified of the decision within one week of the proposal deadline.

Christopher Searcy
ASN Symposium Committee Chair
Department of Biology
University of Miami

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