Arizona State University's Global Drylands Center (GDC), and the Sala Lab are 
seeking a postdoctoral research scholar in ecology. The postdoctoral research 
scholar will contribute to synthesis activities within the Global Drylands 
Center in close collaboration with the Director and the member of the Sala 
laboratory. Synthesis activities will be complemented by maintenance, 
monitoring and the data analysis of field experiments at the Jornada 
Experimental Range in New Mexico with the objective of understanding long-term 
effects of droughts and their interactions with other ecosystem variables.

This is a grant-funded position. Continuation is contingent on future grant 
funding. Renewal of the position is contingent upon satisfactory progress and 
contribution to the collective program.

Essential duties

  1.  Collaborate in the activities of the Global Drylands Center and the Sala 
  2.  Maintain experiments and collect data in collaboration with lab manager 
and graduate students.
  3.  Analyze experimental data and write scientific papers associated with the 
  4.  Travel to meetings to perform the work and present results.
  5.  Be an active member in research group activities (e.g., participate in 
lab meetings).


  1.  Successful candidates must have earned a doctoral degree or approaching 
completion in a relevant area at time of appointment.
  2.  Demonstrated dedication to solving scientific challenges through research 
and scholarship.
  3.  A demonstrated record of scholarly achievement, excellent communication 
skills, and proficiency in both written and spoken English.
  4.  The capacity to work effectively in interdisciplinary teams.

Send your letter of intent, CV, and names with contact information of who would 
serve as a reference to<>.
Applications will continue to be accepted on a rolling basis for a reserve 
pool. Applications in the reserve pool may then be reviewed in the order in 
which they were received until the position is filled.

About the Sala Lab at ASU<>
Research in the Sala Lab focuses on controls of the functioning of arid and 
semiarid ecosystems. We are driven by questions and hypotheses and use multiple 
tools to address them, including synthesis, field experiments, and simulation 
modeling. These tools yield complementary answers to our research questions - 
Data syntheses provide temporal and spatial depth, modeling allows us to 
explore future scenarios, and experimentation best tackles cause-effect 
We work at multiple scales, from plots at the Jornada Experimental Range to 
experiments distributed across the Great Plains of the US and the rest of the 
world. We complement these studies with global analyses and models.

About the Global Drylands Center at 
Our mission is to engage and synergize key stakeholders and institutions 
leading to global dryland sustainability through solution-oriented research, 
education and outreach. The Global Drylands Center will become the world leader 
in discovery and education ensuring a sustainable future for drylands.

All the best,
Em Gonzalez
Project Coordinator, Notary Public
Global Drylands Center
Arizona State University
Mail Code: 4501
Life Sciences A, A259
Tempe, AZ 85287
p: 623-249-8675<tel:623-249-8675>
Global Drylands 
Center<> | The Sala 
Lab @ ASU<>

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