Hello, ESA community! I hope everyone is excited and ready for this year’s 
meeting. I am reaching out to inform you all of an opportunity to participate 
in a field course-related study.

My name is Maria De Jesus, and I am a second-year Ph.D. student in the 
Department of Biological Sciences at Auburn University. As an ESA member, I am 
excited to collaborate and help to support our ecological community in every 
way I can.

For this reason, I am currently in search of participants for a graduate 
research study to improve field course participation and engagement in field 
science, with the goal of creating more inclusive field course practices to 
increase retention and engagement of students with marginalized identities 
conducting ecological research.

See solicitation below

I am seeking instructors who are willing to distribute a 
survey<https://auburn.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8988tjPqAief50G> to their 
students to improve field course instruction. Below, you will find the 
recruitment information that outlines our requests of instructors:

I am primarily searching for instructors in ecology, conservation and courses 
broadly within the life sciences and conservation topics (e.g., conservation 
ecology, environmental science, geoscience, or marine biology, 
organism-specific topics, fisheries, forestry) who are willing to send out 
surveys to their students to gauge their comfort in the field as well as learn 
how to improve field courses for persons excluded due to ethnicity or race, 
disabled students, and gender-expansive and queer students.

I am collecting data in Fall 2024 to Fall 2025.

If you are interested in participating and we are able to survey your students, 
we will ask you to:

  1.  Send the following link and message to your students in an email or 
through your institution’s learning management system (e.g., Canvas, 


“You are invited to participate in a research study to learn how to improve 
field courses for undergraduate students. The study is being conducted by Maria 
De Jesus, Ph.D. student, under the direction of Dr. Cissy Ballen, associate 
professor, in the Auburn University Department of Biological Sciences. You are 
invited to participate because you are a student in a participating course and 
are age 18 or older.
What will be involved if you participate? Your participation is completely 
voluntary. If you decide to participate in this research study, you will be 
asked to answer a few questions on your experience with field courses and 
research. We will also ask for demographic information and a few measures of 
your connection to biology. Your total time commitment will be approximately 15 
to 30 minutes.”

  1.  Respond to this email to confirm participation. Instructors are also 
asked to provide the following information: class enrollment, course 
description lecture style, and features.

  1.  Please complete the attached instructor consent form and return it to me, 
along with information on when you expect to disseminate the survey. The 
student consent form is the first question on the survey.

  1.  Providing students with extra credit is optional, however:

  1.  We ask that if you are able to, feel free to compensate your students 
with extra credit. Offering extra credit increases participation significantly. 
An easy way to do this is to communicate that if at least 70% of the class 
engages with the survey, all students receive extra credit. In this option, I 
will send regular updates with the percentage of students who have engaged with 
the survey from your class.

  1.  If you choose to only award extra credit to those who engage with the 
survey, we ask you provide an alternative extra credit assignment for students 
who wish NOT wish to participate in the survey.

I am advised under (Dr. Cissy Ballen<http://mjb0...@auburn.edu/>), and my 
current external advisor, and primary collaborator (Dr. Lina Maria 

 IRB approval conducted under Auburn University in Auburn, AL.
 Auburn University IRB Protocol #24-961 EX 2407

Please also pass this along to any field course instructors or researchers you 
know of who would be interested in participating!

Maria De Jesus
Auburn University Ph.D. Student
B.A. in Biological Sciences
Minor: Environmental Science
Pronouns: They/Them

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