Memphis Zoo Post-Doc Louisiana Pinesnake Conservation: Radio-telemetry and behavioral ecology The Memphis Zoo is seeking a highly qualified individual for a Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship to assist in the recovery of the federally listed Louisiana pinesnake in the wild. The successfully candidate will be funded by a federal grant to develop new research to monitor post-release behavior, ecology, and physiology of zoo-bred snakes into the recovery sites in Louisiana.
Minimum Requirements: * PhD in biological sciences, wildlife biology, ecology, ecophysiology, animal science, or related field. * Master's level candidates with appropriate research experience will be considered. * Experience designing and coordinating field research projects. * Candidates must be skilled in collecting field data, data entry, and preparing technical reports. * Strong record of peer-reviewed publications in relevant disciplines. * Excellent oral and written communication skills. * Strong research record using R and ArcGIS software or equivalent. * Valid driver's license. * Eligible to work in the USA PLEASE SEE FULL job posting for full details and application requirements at Louisiana Pinesnake Post-Doctoral Fellowship Memphis Zoo<> for more detail. Application Closing date: Feb 7, 2024, Review of applications will begin immediately and be ongoing until the position is filled. Please send position inquiries or application questions to Senior Conservation Scientist, Beth Roberts<> Beth Roberts Senior Conservation Scientist Head of Wildlife Endocrinology Lab Memphis Zoo 2000 Prentiss Pl. Memphis, TN 38112<webextlink://2000%20Prentiss%20Pl.%20Memphis,%20TN%2038112/><> To unsubscribe from this list please go to