Postdoctoral Fellow Wildlife Researcher Colorado State University (CSU), Fort Collins CO – Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Our goal is to design an observational research study aimed at untangling the impacts of wolves and mountain lions on aspen and mountain shrub growth and recruitment; mechanistically, this would occur via changes in elk and mule deer browsing pressures in response to predators. More specifically, we aim to measure plant growth, browsing pressure, and recruitment on a variety of important winter forage species while controlling for abiotic, anthropogenic, and historical factors (e.g., slope, soil moisture, hunting pressure, management, fire history), and examining the influence of predator-related factors (e.g., wolf and mountain lion risk). This project will support a postdoctoral researcher to help in study design development in two phases. Phase 1: Sample size determination and site selection. Phase 2: Site validation and manuscript preparation. For more detail description and to apply please click on this link: CSU is an EO/EA/AA employer and conducts background checks on all final candidates.
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