1/29 SCBNA Policy Webinar #2: The North American Model of Conservation Join the Society for Conservation Biology North America (SCBNA)'s Policy Committee for the second webinar in our series focusing on the North American Model for Conservation & the work of state wildlife agencies.
Presentation Topics & Speakers: *1) The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation: Origins and Purpose* *Panelist*: John Organ, Chief Emeritus, USGS Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units *Abstract*: The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation is a concept developed originally by Valerius Geist to describe the key legal and policy initiatives that collectively distinguished wildlife conservation in Canada and the United States from other forms worldwide. It is not a compendium of all conservation measures; it arose out of Geist’s experiences on other continents, and the threats he perceived would arise from efforts to commercialize and privatize wildlife in North America. Numerous false narratives have transmogrified the concept, and led to general misunderstanding of its origin and purpose *2) The North American Model of Conservation: Calls for Change* *Panelist*: Michael Paul Nelson, Professor, Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, Oregon State University *Abstract*: Recently, the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation (NAM) has endured a number of critiques by wildlife scholars. At the same time, the proposed role of the NAM in wildlife policy has expanded. In this presentation I’ll review some of the historical, ethical, and philosophical critiques of the NAM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date/Time: Wednesday, Jan 29, 2025, from 2-3:30 PM CST Register & Learn about upcoming policy webinars here: https://scbnorthamerica.org/index.php/event/scbna-policy-webinar-the-north-american-model-of-conservation/ Learn more about SCBNA: https://scbnorthamerica.org/ Thank you! Hope to see you there! SCBNA To unsubscribe from this list please go to https://community.esa.org/confirm/?u=RhPWqPxFwODKvbkiT32nkIqRrsiSgulp