Educator and Raptor Care Specialist
full-time position
 Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Association, Kempton, PA

The Educator and Raptor Care Specialist is a year-round full-time position that 
reports directly to the Director of Education. This position requires advanced 
knowledge and the consistent exercise of discretion and independent judgment, 
including a solid understanding of the scope of raptor conservation science and 
education activities at Hawk Mountain and raptor husbandry skills. Excellent 
verbal and written communication skills are a must. The position combines 
education across a wide variety of ages and environmental education-based 
topics with a background in raptor husbandry, care and handling. The ideal 
candidate will have experience teaching in both indoor and outdoor classroom 
settings, and an awareness of Hawk Mountain local-to-global programs and raptor 
conservation mission.
Salary- $34,000-$37,000 per year, depending on experience; application deadline 
February 23rd.

For more information and information on how to apply, visit:
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