Submit a bid to host the Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative by March 1st 2025

The Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative (GSBI) is an independent scientific 
organization formed in 2011 with the mission of creating a global collaboration 
of soil biodiversity scientists. The goals of the GSBI are to inform the public 
on the importance of soil biodiversity for a healthy planet, promote soil 
biodiversity research towards environmental policy, and create a platform for 
the current and future sustainability of soils. Currently, the GSBI has ~6,000 
subscribed members from 136 countries, ranging from students, academics, to 
government employees, educators, land managers, the public and more.

For the past 13 years, Colorado State University (CSU) has hosted and supported 
the GSBI. The GSBI leadership is tremendously grateful for the support CSU has 
provided, which has allowed the GSBI to be an independent initiative. As part 
of GSBI’s long-term plans, the GSBI will be leaving CSU in April 2026 with the 
goal of rotating the host institution or organization every 5 years. As such, 
the GSBI is looking for a new home institution/organization and secretariat. 
The GSBI leadership invites individuals, institutions, organizations to submit 
a bid to house the GSBI.

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Leena Vilonen, PhD
Pronouns: she/her(s)
Executive Director, Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative<>

School of Global Environmental Sustainability
108 Johnson Hall
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1036, USA

[Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative]

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