The deadline to submit oral and poster presentation abstracts, workshop proposals, working group activities, travel scholarship applications, and requests for visa support letters closes Wednesday, January 22, 2025.
Join us for the Ecological Forecasting Initiative (EFI) 2025 Conference on May 19-22, 2025 at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia for this 3.5 day international in-person conference! Early bird registration opens on February 14, 2025. The Conference website,, includes the keynote speakers, a Conference Handbook, links to submissions for abstracts, workshop and working group proposals, travel scholarship applications, and details about registration fees, the student presentation award, and meeting logistics. Workshop Proposals We invite submissions for workshop proposals for activities that provide topical training, tutorials, and demonstrations for the EFI community. Working Group Activities Working Group sessions will focus on specific projects or targeted discussions. These can be the standing EFI Working Groups, other projects of interest to the community, or targeted discussions of topics of interest to the EFI community. Conference themes We welcome contributions and participants from across the foundations and applications in ecological forecasting. Examples of themes include: Foundations - Forecasting with the knowledge, value, and engagement of underrepresented groups - Co-production and decision-relevant forecasts - Cyberinfrastructure supporting ecological forecasting - Al and statistics in ecological forecasting - Digital twins in ecological forecasting - Predictability across scales - Innovation in ecological forecasting education - Other foundational themes not included in the list above Applications - Marine and coastal ecosystems - NEON Forecasting Challenge - Freshwater ecosystems - Biodiversity conservation - Nature-based climate solutions - Disease - Invasive species - Terrestrial ecosystems - Other applications not included in the list above Important Dates *- *January 22, 2025: Abstract, Workshop, & Working Group submission closes, Travel Scholarship & Visa request closes - February 14, 2025: Abstract, Workshop, & Working Group submission acceptance and Travel Scholarship notifications go out - February 14, 2025:Registration and late breaking poster abstract submissions opens - March 14, 2025: Early bird Registration closes - April 14, 2025: Late breaking poster abstract submissions + Full Registration closes - April 15, 2025: Refunds for cancellations are available until this date - April 21, 2025: Hotel booking closes for those using the Conference block at The Inn at Virginia Tech - May 19-22, 2025: EFI2025 Conference -- Jody Peters, PhD *Community Manager* *Ecological Forecasting Initiative, <>, @eco4cast <>* *PalEON, <>, @Pal_EON <> * *University of Notre Dame* *Biological Sciences* Galvin 294A Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-2175 To unsubscribe from this list please go to