Dear all,
there are only a few seats available for our upcoming Analysis of Animal 
Movement Data in R (online) course, designed for researchers and ecologists 
eager to enhance their skills in analyzing animal movement data in R. 
 Dates: 24–28 March 2025
Course website: [ ]( )

This course offers a comprehensive guide to analyzing telemetry data, from 
exploratory analysis and data cleaning to modeling space use and habitat 
selection using integrated step selection functions (iSSF).
You'll gain hands-on experience applying advanced techniques to real-world data.
What You’ll Learn:
Conduct exploratory data analysis for movement data and clean telemetry 
Quantify animal space use through home ranges and work with multi-animal 
Apply habitat selection models, including resource selection functions (RSF) 
and iSSF.
Simulate space use and validate models for habitat selection.
Who Should Attend?
Participants should have basic knowledge of statistical analysis (e.g., linear 
modeling) and experience with R programming.
Program Highlights:
Day 1: Exploratory data analysis and telemetry data cleaning.
Day 2: Space use quantification and multi-animal datasets.
Day 3: Habitat selection models (RSF and iSSF).
Day 4: Simulations from fitted iSSF and advanced modeling techniques.
Day 5: Strategies for modeling multiple animals and model validation.
Best regards,

Carlo Pecoraro, Ph.D

Physalia-courses DIRECTOR

mobile: +49 17645230846

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