Abstract submissions will open February 3rd for the 41st Scientific Meeting
of the Association of Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean
<http://amlc-carib.org/> hosted by Sociedad Ambiente Marino
<https://www.sampr.org/> in San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 2-6, 2025.

Meeting Theme: Caribbean Marine Resilience: Bridging Science and Society
toward a Sustainable Future for a Changing World

Theme description:

The 41st scientific meeting of the Association of Marine Laboratories of
the Caribbean (AMLC) highlights the vital role of collaboration in
advancing marine science, conservation, and education across the region by
bringing together various stakeholders, including researchers,
practitioners, educators, and policymakers, to address the most pressing
challenges facing our oceans today. Spanning topics such as coral reef
ecology, oceanography, fisheries management, climate change impacts, marine
pollution, exploration, education, and the blue economy, the conference
will showcase cutting-edge research, innovative technologies, and
actionable solutions across critical habitats like coral reefs, mangroves,
seagrasses, and the open ocean. Practical topics, such as field station
operations, will also be addressed to support effective marine research and
education. By integrating diverse disciplines and fostering meaningful
dialogue and collaboration among member institutions, this symposium seeks
to strengthen marine science in the Wider Caribbean Region to ensure
sustainable ecosystems for future generations.



   Coral Reef Ecology And Conservation.

   Climate Change And Oceanography

   Fisheries Science, Aquaculture And Management

   Macrofauna & Megafauna

   Mangroves, Seagrasses & Sargassum Ecology

   Technology & Exploration

   Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) And Policy

   Marine Pollution And Environmental Health

   Marine Biodiversity And Historical Ecology

   Blue Economy And Sustainable Development

   Marine Education, Outreach & Community Engagement

   Field Station Operations, Logistics, And Safety

Find more information, including descriptions of the session themes, and
abstract submission guidelines, *on our website.*
<http://amlc-carib.org/2025-amlc-meeting/> And stay tuned for information
about registration and student funding opportunities!

The Association of Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean (AMLC)
<http://www.amlc-carib.org/> is a confederation of over 40 marine research,
education, and resource management institutions throughout the wider
Caribbean whose goal is to encourage the production and exchange of
research, inform management, advance the cause of environmental education,
and facilitate collaboration among its membership.

The AMLC 41st scientific meeting is open to everyone, including students,
scientists, and stakeholders, with an interest in marine science and policy
in the wider Caribbean region. By bringing together participants from a
broad collection of geographic and scientific specialties, the meeting
provides a setting for the synthesis of new ideas, discoveries, and
techniques; and serves to expand regional and interdisciplinary
collaborations throughout the wider Caribbean region.


Haley Oleynik

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