Position: Aquatic Monitoring Technician Job Type: Temporary/Seasonal
Salary Details: $19.68 per hour + up to $655 in per diem per hitch Deadline: April 1, 2024 OVERVIEW The Institute for Natural Resources (INR) in Portland, OR, an independent research institute, is partnering with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to implement its Aquatic Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) strategy, targeted at collecting standardized data from streams across BLM Districts in the western U.S. INR is hiring multiple positions to conduct this work for the Aquatic AIM program. Potential candidates looking to assist in this effort with INR and the BLM will work helping assess the health of BLM lands on crews consisting of one crew lead and one field technician or one crew lead, one technician, and one botanist working in Oregon or California. The work will focus on wadeable streams and rivers ranging from a few inches deep to fast-flowing small rivers across Oregon/Washington and California. Crews will collect aquatic data following the AIM National Aquatic Monitoring Framework: Field Protocol for Wadeable Lotic Systems (TR 1735-2) to assess the surface water hydrology and geomorphic conditions for the 2024 field season, as well as other on the ground restoration and monitoring work. Due to the work stretching across the west, crews will have different start dates and locations where they will be based throughout the field season. Training will occur in mid-April for California and early June for Oregon. There is some flexibility in where crew members are based. Locations and desired positions are below: Dates and Locations: - Oregon, based in Portland, OR, June - October. 2 Technicians - California, based in Portland, OR, April - September. 1 Technician As part of an AIM crew, the work is entirely field-based and requires camping in typically isolated areas with few amenities in the surrounding area. During this fieldwork, crews work a 10-hour-a-day hitch-based schedule with 8 days (Wed-Wed) on and 6 days off, working in all kinds of weather. Crews must be prepared for conditions such as extreme heat, sun exposure, long hours in the vehicle, nearby wildfires, smoke, driving on rough gravel and 4x4 trails, carrying 40-50lbs packs over steep and uneven terrain, and encounters with wildlife. INR provides Crews with a two-burner stove, propane, table, sampling gear, and other crew essentials. Crew members are responsible for arranging their housing in between hitches and their personal camping equipment. All positions will have the opportunity to conduct sampling in vast and unique habitats with a history of wildfires, settlers, and indigenous people. Crews will also gain experience learning a protocol implemented across the Western U.S., identifying plant and animal species native and invasive to the location, and monitoring surface water hydrology and its geomorphic features during the fieldwork in remote landscapes. FIELD TECHNICIAN POSITIONS REQUIRE THE FOLLOWING: - A Bachelor’s Degree in Aquatic Ecology, Fisheries, Hydrology, Water Resources, or a related subject. Experience may be substituted for up to two years of education on a one-to-one basis. - A minimum of one season of field data collection. Several lab courses with extensive fieldwork can satisfy this requirement. However, preference will be given to people who have collected aquatic or hydrologic data in a work setting. - Experience following established field protocols to conduct sampling and field data collection on new and existing monitoring sites. - Experience with data entry and management using Microsoft Office (Excel, Access) and/or GIS - Experience navigating and collecting coordinates with hand-held GPS units or other electronic devices such as Survey123. - Experience driving and maintaining 4WD trucks, especially in off-road situations. Valid driver’s license with a clean driving record. Experience driving UTV/side-by-side vehicles is preferred. - Demonstrated ability to work productively as part of a team to accomplish mutual goals, and to work independently as required. - Experience in and willingness to spend multiple days camping in the field where hazards (snakes, bears, deadfall, lightning, poison oak, flash floods, fires, etc.) may be encountered. - Willingness to work irregular hours in harsh environments and challenging weather, and carry 40-50lbs in a backpack over uneven terrain. - Wilderness First Aid is a plus; CPR and First Aid Certification are preferred. EXPECTATIONS In addition to the above qualifications, we expect crew members to commit to the entire field season, to practice safety awareness, including vehicle safety procedures, to communicate regularly with INR support staff and BLM agency staff, to participate in INR and BLM training, and to contribute to building a healthy and fun work team environment. Due to the nature of the work and required driving between sampling areas, work days over 10 hours are possible, with the expectation of a total of 80 hours/hitch as crews strive to complete points assigned for the given hitch. TRAINING These positions are ideal for people who are committed to ongoing learning and development. You will receive extensive paid training on the AIM protocols and associated methodology. You will also have the opportunity to interact with seasoned staff scientists from both the BLM and INR throughout training and fieldwork. Mandatory 1-week in-person paid training will occur shortly after hiring (mid-April for CA and mid-June for OR) COMPENSATION - Aquatic Monitoring Field Technicians are paid $19.68 an hour. - Receive a total of $480 per diem for food costs for each hitch. - Receive up to $175 per diem for camping for each hitch. HOW TO APPLY Please submit the following in a single pdf to Andrew Christensen (Project Manager at INR): lo...@pdx.edu. For position information not found in the listing or additional links below, you may contact the email listed above. In your email please use the subject line “AIM Application - Lastname” to make sure your application is saved. 1. Letter of interest. In this letter, please describe your background, including any military and volunteer service; professional experience, recreational interests, or hobbies that help demonstrate your suitability for work in harsh and challenging conditions and your reasons for pursuing this opportunity. 2. Resume, including all degrees and related coursework. 3. Names and contact information for three (3) references. Professional references who can attest to your work ethic and technical abilities should be prioritized due to the nature of the work. Application review will begin in early January and will continue until all positions are filled. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Additional information about the Institute for Natural Resources can be found on our website at https://www.pdx.edu/institute-natural-resources/ For additional information about the AIM project visit: https://www.blm.gov/aim -- Andrew Christensen Data Specialist | Institute for Natural Resources Lotic AIM Crew Manager | Bureau of Land Management ac...@pdx.edu To unsubscribe from this list please go to https://community.esa.org/confirm/?u=RhPWqPxFwODKvbkiT32nkIqRrsiSgulp