Technician position at Coastal Fisheries & Seascape Ecology labs at Florida 
International University, in Miami, FL
Start date:  February 2025

Duration:  1 year & renewable upon funding & performance

Salary: Starting at $ 18/hr

About the position: We seek a motivated professional who is passionate about 
coastal ecology. Research will focus on interconnections among coastal 
habitats, prey resources, and recreational fish movement and foraging 
throughout Biscayne Bay, the Everglades, and the Florida Keys using a variety 
of techniques, including remote sensing, fisheries-independent monitoring, 
stable isotope analysis, and acoustic telemetry. We are seeking a team player 
with excellent communication and interpersonal skills to join our diverse and 
interdisciplinary Miami-based team.

About expected duties: The technician will: 1) lead field campaigns (e.g., 
mapping and seagrass sampling, fish and invertebrate sampling, fish tagging, 
and maintaining and downloading acoustic telemetry equipment), 2) participate 
in lab activities, including sample processing (seagrass and faunal samples for 
community assessments and stable isotope analysis), and 3) participate in data 
management (e.g., data entry, QA/QC, exploratory analysis of remotely sensed, 
seagrass, benthic community and movement data).

About preferred qualifications: Applicants with a Bachelors or Masters degree 
in the fields of marine, coastal, benthic, freshwater or fisheries ecology are 
encouraged to apply. Extensive boating and field experience, including leading 
field crews, are preferred. Prior experience with field sampling techniques, 
acoustic telemetry and scientific diving are a plus. Sample processing skills 
are expected, especially regarding the assessment of benthic and nektonic 
communities and their biochemical characteristics (prior experience with 
processing stable isotopes preferred but not required). Experience working with 
dataset processing and curation (data entry, QA/QC, wrangling) and with 
exploratory analysis techniques using R are also preferred.

To apply:   Please email Dr. Jenn 
 at<> and Dr. Rolando 
Santos<><> with the subject line Technician 
2025 + your name.’ In your email, please include (as a single PDF):

Cover letter describing experience, interests & expertise relevant to the 
CV with list of 3 references

About our labs: We are an energetic team of ecologists interested in 
understanding how coastal processes, habitat change and fauna and fisheries 
respond to such change by studying seascape and the movement and trophic 
ecology of coastal fauna. Our sister labs are led by Dr. Jenn Rehage, a fish 
ecologist, and Dr. Rolando O. Santos, a seascape ecologist. Our approach to 
tackling research focuses on both understanding process and pattern, and we 
thrive in conducting studies that blend these to inform management, 
conservation, and restoration efforts in partnership with stakeholders, 
coproducing science that is both fundamental and actionable. We are part of a 
highly collaborative South Florida research community composed of scientists, 
and federal, state, private partners, and stakeholders (see and 

About our university:  F<>lorida International 
U<>niversity is Miami's public research university and 
Florida’s youngest preeminent universities, and one of the youngest R1 research 
universities (highest research activity) in the US. FIU is also the largest 
majority-minority serving institution in the country, and ranked the second 
most impactful university in the nation, the No. 3 best public university in 
the US, and among the top 20 public universities contributing to the public 

Jonathan Rodemann, PhD

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Coastal Fisheries Research Lab

Santos Seascape Ecology Lab

Institute of Environment

Florida International University

11200 SW 8th Street

Miami, FL 33199

Phone: (908) 531-2632<>

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