Phytoplankton are critically important for filter feeding shellfish, such as 
mussels, oysters and scallops, both in the wild and in aquaculture production. 
Despite their significance, only a small number of phytoplankton strains 
dominate in hatcheries around the world, and in some cases these strains are 
not entirely suitable for raising important native shellfish species. Such is 
the case in New Zealand, which has a vibrant and growing shellfish culture 
community. This PhD project is focused on exploring the opportunity for 
alternative native phytoplankton species to make a difference for raising 
shellfish in New Zealand to support this community of interest. The successful 
PhD candidate will have a background in marine science or cell culture methods, 
and some experience of rearing marine animals. This PhD opportunity is at the 
University of Auckland, a world-ranked university in New Zealand 
( The scholarship covers all tuition fees and a tax free 
living stipend of NZ$34,000 a year, and medical insurance for a three year 
period, with the potential to extend for an additional period. If you would 
like to apply or find out more, please contact Andrew Jeffs,

Professor Andrew Jeffs
Institute of Marine Science, & School of Biological Sciences
University of Auckland - Waipapa Taumata Rau
Auckland, New Zealand
Ph +64-21-256-3303

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