*More information* https://benjaminblonder.org/join/research-experience-for-undergraduates-reu-summer-2025-alpine-plant-ecology/
*To apply* Fill out the Google Form at https://forms.gle/WfdnAKRaoj4V3tL96. *Application deadline* January 21st, 2025; interview requests sent by 1st week of February 2025. *Overview* The University of California Berkeley (PI, Benjamin Wong Blonder) and the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory <https://www.rmbl.org/students/undergraduates-beyond/> (RMBL, a field station) (PI, Ian Breckheimer) are seeking a Research Experiences for Undergraduates participant for summer 2025. The student would be based in Gothic, Colorado at RMBL, on traditional Ute lands. The student will spend the summer: - Carrying out independent research focused on alpine plant demography and community ecology as part of a two-person student team at a field site located on the upper slopes of Mt. Baldy (~3540 meters above sea level) - Gaining skillsets with seed identification and measuring seed dispersal As part of a 40-person undergraduate education program, the student will also: - write proposals, carry out independent research projects, and write reports and give presentations on those projects - participate in weekly workshops to build skills in scientific writing, data analysis, science ethics, and diversity, equity, and inclusion - participate in a short course on Rocky Mountain ecosystems or wildlife (optional) *Research Project* The student will perform independent research in the context of the Mt. Baldy Community Demography Study, an ongoing long-term study of alpine plants and how they respond to drought and climate change. Data from this work has been used in several publications, and the project recently received support from the National Science Foundation. *Dates* June 7th - August 12th 2025 (flexible, but must participate for 10 weeks) *Compensation* - Stipend of $7000 - Roundtrip travel from home to field station - All field station fees and tuition - Housing in shared cabin accommodations - Meal plan in the dining hall (3 meals per day) - Optional credit for coursework (2 credits) and/or research (8 credits) -- Benjamin Wong Blonder Macrosystems Ecology Laboratory Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management University of California at Berkeley *Berkeley sits on Ohlone land (learn more) <https://cejce.berkeley.edu/ohloneland>* Get a copy of my new Routledge book, *Place-Based Scientific Inquiry: A Practical Handbook for Teaching Outside* (print <https://www.routledge.com/Place-Based-Scientific-Inquiry-A-Practical-Handbook-for-Teaching-Outside/Blonder-Banks-Cruz-Dornhaus-Godfrey-Hoskinson-Lipson-Sommers-Stewart-Strauss/p/book/9781032434155> and open-access online <https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/oa-mono/10.4324/9781003367192/place-based-scientific-inquiry-benjamin-wong-blonder-ja-nya-banks-austin-cruz-anna-dornhaus-keating-godfrey-joshua-hoskinson-rebecca-lipson-pacifica-sommers-christy-stewart-alan-strauss> ) Website: http://www.benjaminblonder.org Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=l3FNoE8AAAAJ University of Arizona Sky School: https://skyschool.arizona.edu/ To unsubscribe from this list please go to https://community.esa.org/confirm/?u=RhPWqPxFwODKvbkiT32nkIqRrsiSgulp