Todd Smith didn’t intend to quit his dream career as a pilot, but a visit to the Quelccaya Ice Cap in Peru, which has been receding by about 60 meters, or 200 feet, per year, prompted a frank personal examination of the airline industry’s impacts on the planet
Today he's co-founder of Safe Landing, which advocates for an aviation industry transition that adapts to the realities of climate change, adheres to carbon budgets, and ensures long-term employment for those who work in it. He joins the Mongabay Newscast to speak about advocating for industry reform, and what the it needs to do to affect sustainable change Listen here: “I don’t really want anyone to be grounded in the way that I have. I would love for an aviation worker to come into the industry and have a long-term career in an industry that’s compatible with climate science,” Smith says on this episode. Learn more by clicking 'play' at the link above or find/follow the Mongabay Newscast via the podcast app of your choosing, wherever you get podcasts, from Spotify <> to Amazon <>, or Apple <>, whatever service you prefer. Please share with colleagues, students, friends, and thanks, Erik -- *Member, Society of Environmental Journalists* *Instagram: @erikhoffner <>* *BlueSky: @erikhoffner <>* *Latest projects: <>* To unsubscribe from this list please go to