Graduate position in parental care evolution The Potticary Lab at Northern Michigan University is recruiting a Masters (MS) student to work on the ecology of parental care evolution of burying beetles (start date fall 2025).
Parental care is thought to evolve to buffer offspring development from hazardous environments. Yet hazardous environments are ubiquitous for young and parental care is a relatively rare strategy across taxa. Thus, it is perplexing how and why parenting evolves. In the Potticary lab, we are investigating the ecology of parenting using burying beetles of the genus *Nicrophorus* as a study system. Depending on the interests of the successful candidate, there are several projects on northern Michigan burying beetles that may be available. On-going and planned projects include work on the transgenerational effects of parenting, the impact of ecological variation on parenting strategies, and how species interactions influence carrion decomposition. Applicants with strong interests in evolution, behavior, ecology, natural history, or related fields are encouraged to apply. Desired qualifications include the ability to balance working independently and collaboratively, excellent work habits, and strong writing skills. Projects will involve working with both a laboratory colony containing multiple species of *Nicrophorus* burying beetles, as well as consistent field work under a diversity of conditions. All projects require the handling of live beetles and their primary food/breeding resource (carrion). No prior fieldwork experience is required, but the successful candidate must be keen to develop their fieldwork skills and comfortable handling insects, or are interested in handling insects. The Potticary Lab aims to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion in the sciences and encourages applications from students who are members of historically excluded or marginalized groups. To apply informally, please send a letter of interest, CV, transcript (unofficial is fine), and contact information for three references to Dr. Ahvi Potticary, Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until a suitable candidate is identified (official admissions procedures to follow). All applications received by December 15 will receive full consideration. For more information on the graduate program at Northern Michigan University, please see here: To unsubscribe from this list please go to
Graduate student posting 2025.pdf
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