Assistant Professor of Toxicology, Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville. 
Tennessee. Full-time, 9-month,
tenure-track appointment to begin August 2025. We seek a human toxicologist, 
ecotoxicologist, or
environmental toxicologist to teach undergraduate and graduate courses that 
contribute to existing
curricula within the Department of Biology including introductory biology 
courses and/or courses within
the applicant's area of expertise beneficial to health science majors. Other 
essential functions include
developing and sustaining an active and externally funded research program 
involving undergraduate and
graduate students, directing graduate student research at the M.S. and/or Ph.D. 
levels, advising undergraduate
and graduate students, and fulfilling service requirements. Minimum 
qualifications include an earned
doctorate from an accredited institution in toxicology or a closely related 
field by the employment start date,
and the ability to perform essential functions associated with the position. 
Preferred qualifications include:
prior university-level teaching experience; the capacity to teach courses such 
as toxicology, environmental
toxicology, parasitology, histology, human physiology, or developmental 
biology; a record of research
publications that is commensurate with experience; evidence of or potential for 
successfully acquiring external
funding to support research activities; the capability to develop a research 
program that complements existing
strengths within the Department of Biology; the ability to maintain effective 
working relationships; and a
commitment to excellence in teaching, research, and service. Applicants must be 
authorized to work in the
United States without the University's sponsorship. To ensure full 
consideration, all application materials
should be received by January 3, 2025; the position will remain open until 
filled. Applicants must apply online
at and are required to electronically upload: (1) a 
cover letter specifically addressing
the position description and qualifications; (2) a curriculum vitae; (3) a 
statement of teaching philosophy; (4) a
statement of research interests; (5) unofficial copies of all undergraduate and 
graduate transcripts (official
transcripts for all degrees conferred required upon hire); (6) one publication 
that best represents the applicant's
expertise and general research focus; and (7) the names and contact information 
(including email addresses) of
three professional references who may be asked to provide letters of 
recommendation. Required application
materials 3 and 4 are each limited to a maximum of two pages. Submission of 
materials is the applicant's responsibility.
Applications without all required materials are incomplete and will not be 
considered. Send inquiries about the position
to: Dr. Brian Carver, Toxicology Search Committee, PO Box 5063, Tennessee Tech 
University, Cookeville, TN, 38505

Chris Brown
Associate Professor
Dept. of Biology, Box 5063
Tennessee Tech University
Cookeville, TN 38505
Phone: 931-372-3013

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